Page 59 of Scandalous Liaison

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He sat with a glass of his favorite wine, a cigar in his fingers. He was a controlled man yet over the last few years had allowed himself to indulge in certain proclivities, including Cuban cigars. He had a glass of wine waiting for me as well, a cigar already cut and ready to light. There wasn’t a question as to whether I would join him. To choose not to would be an insult that would result in bruises on my face. Well deserved.

As soon as I sat down, he grabbed his favorite lighter, flicking and waiting as I leaned over with the cigar in my fingers. That allowed him to study my eyes, which he’d always told me were the windows to a man’s soul, but a woman could always hide her feelings. It had taken me years to realize he’d been right.

“You’re enamored with her, but your relationship is fake.”

I was no longer stunned by his proclamations. He was never wrong. Chuckling, I nodded before answering. “Yes. She was an interesting find, an accident.”

“Have I taught you nothing?” There was a hint of anger in his voice, one of disappointment as well. “There are no such things as accidents in our world.”

“Perhaps my lovely bride to be has an agenda of her own. However, she is also a pawn in her family’s savage lineage. According to her father, women are to be seen and not heard. That doesn’t suit her personality.”

“You like her.”

“I do.”

He laughed. “I could easily tell the woman has spunk. That will bode well for you over the years, my son. I would consider keeping her after this game you’re playing is over.”

“It’s not a game to me, Carlos. My father was murdered. I intend on finding the killer.”

“Perhaps you should allow your father to rest in peace.” There was a flash of pain in the man’s eyes.

When I exhaled, I sensed he was watching me. “You knew he was ill.” He seemed surprised I knew.

“Your father rarely hid anything from me. One aspect of our friendship that we both needed during the most brutal times in this country was the ability to be able to trust each other. He cared for his family greatly and wanted to ensure you and your siblings and mother were adequately taken care of.”

“I have a feeling he arranged his death.” His words added credence to my line of thinking.

“Your father wanted to die with dignity, but what happened to him was not something he planned.”

“Someone wants to destroy my family. Suzannah will help me determine if I’m right.”

“Yet, it is entirely possible you will be challenged.” Carlos had concern in his voice.

“I will order additional soldiers to protect my family but I won’t stop until I find out who had my father killed.”

“Truth is a double-edged sword.”

“Yes, but necessary to provide some peace for my mother,” I told him. He studied me carefully. “Hence the reason for forming an alliance with Suzannah.”

“You are a tenacious man. From what I can tell, the two of you are very powerful together even if your impending marriage is something you both consider nothing more than a business arrangement. However, be careful, dear boy. You are playing with fire.”

“Which you know is something I enjoy doing.”

“Risking everything you were trained for could cost you something that will break you, my son. While I know you better than most, it’s easy to see you care for the woman.” He eyed me critically, but gave a nod of approval, a slight smile. He cared for her as well. I found that very interesting.

He hadn’t wanted to train me, my father asking him several times before the man agreed. I’d asked Carlos the reason why on the day I returned to Kentucky. He’d patted me on the shoulder and turned toward his wife, the incredible woman tending to my wounds and feeding me, treating me as her own son during my months of training. I’d seen the look of love in her eyes not only because of the relationship we’d been lucky enough to form but also because of how close she was to Carlos.

Their love had withstood violence, the test of time, the loss of a child, and several other tragedies.

His answer hadn’t been something I’d understood at the time. Now, I did. He’d told me that the one thing an assassin could never allow himself to experience was love because if he did, the emotion would become his death warrant. But only after the woman he’d fallen hard for was tortured in front of him.

“I understand, Carlos. However, if what I believe is true and Rutherford Warrington was behind my father’s murder, he deserves to be punished. Do you know the answer to that?”

“Whether or not he is remains to be seen. What I do know is that he’s had plans of expansion on his agenda for several months. The marriage of his son is merely putting several additional pieces together. He’s ready to unfold his plans. I know your father was investigating adding California as a possible second location, which likely irritated Rutherford.”

I thought about what he was telling me and sighed. “I’m sure it did. Who is he working with?”

He took several puffs of his cigar, taking his time answering. That meant he knew something but wanted to ensure that I would use it wisely. I knew better than to rush him. I enjoyed the wine as well as the taste of the cigar.
