Page 52 of Sunshine

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Remi’s fingers shook as he reached for Jeremiah’s wrist. He’d never been able to shift long enough for this, but he knew what he wanted. This wasn’t the first time he’d felt a need when he was in the water. Gripping his Hellhound’s wrist, he dragged his hand low—lower—until two fingers pressed against a barely there slit.

Jeremiah’s eyes widened, and his breath stuttered. “Is this—”

“Yes,” Remi said, closing his eyes on the edge of a groan as Jeremiah traced the opening. Jeremiah’s nails carefully moved over Remi’s scales, and Remi felt himself thicken—felt his cock trying to extrude. “Inside. Put… put them inside me.”

Jeremiah sucked in air, and he turned his hips so Remi could feel him, searing hot and throbbing against his hip. There was a moment when Remi thought maybe it was too much—maybe Jeremiah was wrong and the thrall was just wearing off… and then suddenly, two fingers pushed inside him.

Remi gasped, his hips thrusting forward, his cock heavy and so fucking wet as Jeremiah’s fingers made a wide V around it and began to stroke in and out. He’d never felt like this before. Never. Nothing had ever been this good.

“I—fuck. Unf,” he gasped, writhing under Jeremiah’s weight as the Hellhound pressed him back against the sun bench. Remi slid over it, taking Jeremiah with him, and he groaned when two powerful thighs straddled his tail. “In me. P-please,” he stuttered, begging. “I need it. I need you.”

Jeremiah stared down at him with glowing eyes that held a hint of fire in the irises—the glowing blue flames that only Hellhounds could produce. Fuck, he was so beautiful.

“Are you sure you want this?” Are you sure you want me, Remi heard—words the Hellhound wasn’t actually saying.

He grabbed Jeremiah’s hips. “Please don’t make me beg.”

Jeremiah’s eyes darkened, and he traced around Remi’s lips. “What if I like how you sound when you beg?”

Remi’s eyes slammed shut, and his cock thrust forward just enough to push the tip out. Jeremiah groaned, and when Remi peeked, he saw he was staring down at him. “It’s…”

“Gorgeous,” Jeremiah said before Remi could say anything self-deprecating. “You’re so fucking beautiful I can’t control myself. Let me fuck you, princeling. Let me give you what you want.”

There was a growl behind his words that made him sound almost feral, and Remi’s entire body was singing with every sweep of Jeremiah’s hands.

“Please,” he gasped again. “I need it. I need to feel you. Last time, I wanted—but you didn’t,” he babbled.

Jeremiah touched the side of his cheek, thumb pressed to his chin, and Remi slowly opened his eyes. “I wanted it to be perfect.”

“It is,” Remi told him. “I don’t know what this feeling is, but I know I need you. Please, please.”

Without any more warning, Jeremiah shifted his angle, and a second later, he was inside. His thick cock filled Remi’s slit, sliding alongside Remi’s aching, soaking-wet cock. The water around them seemed to pulse in time with Jeremiah’s thrusts as he got both hands around the backside of Remi’s tail and held him, hips pumping with a rhythm Remi had no hope of keeping up with.

His eyes rolled back in his head as pleasure erupted under his skin in ways he’d never, ever known. He felt like he was flying and falling all at the same time, and he clung to his Hellhound like he might disappear if he let go.

“You like that?” Jeremiah grunted.

Remi opened his eyes, his lip between his teeth to keep from screaming as Jeremiah adjusted his angle and hit something inside him that sent him wild with lust.

“Oh, you do, don’t you, little princeling? You fucking love it. You fucking love the way I fill you.”

“Yeah, yes, fuck,” Remi gasped, unable to form a coherent sentence. It felt like his soul was trying to escape his body and burrow into Jeremiah, and he wanted to let it. He had no idea what it meant, but he found himself tilting his head, bearing his neck like he wanted to be bitten.

Jeremiah growled louder, the sound rumbling from his chest and racing over the top of Remi’s skin. The water around them felt wild, like their lust was in command of it, and he lifted his tail, wrapping it around Jeremiah as best he could as he thrust mindlessly and helplessly. He was so fucking full, his cock throbbing in his slit, Jeremiah’s cock sliding against it goddamn maddening.

It was too much and not enough, and he needed… something.

“Gods,” Jeremiah whispered. He lowered his head into the crook of Remi’s neck, and then he felt it. Fangs. Sharp and dangerous, grazing his tendons.

“Yes. Do it,” he begged. He didn’t know what he was asking for; he just knew that it had to happen.

Between one breath and the next, Jeremiah’s hips stuttered forward, and then he sank his fangs into Remi’s neck. The pain was exquisite, blinding as his vision whited out, and the feeling of pleasure was so overwhelming he wasn’t sure he’d ever come down. A rough tongue started licking over the mark, and then Jeremiah let out a furious groan, and Remi felt something inside him expanding. More and more, he was opened on it, and he was so clouded with ecstasy it took him far too long to realize it was a knot.

It was Jeremiah’s knot.

“Did you—?”

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