Page 53 of Sunshine

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Jeremiah let out a long moan against Remi’s shoulder, and when Remi tried to move, Jeremiah bit him again, keeping him still. “Just,” he said, his voice muffled against Remi’s warm skin, “just wait.”

Remi stilled, though tendrils of pleasure were still fizzing through his limbs. His cock was pulsing with the aftershocks of release, and every time Jeremiah’s knot throbbed and spilled inside him, he felt like he was coming all over again.

“It’s so much,” he gasped.

“I don’t… fuck,” Jeremiah said, and he buried his face in Remi’s neck, rubbing his stubbled jaw back and forth. “This has never happened to me before.”

“It’s a knot,” Remi said, “right? Or is it… I’m sorry. I don’t want to say the wrong thing.”

Jeremiah pulled back, his eyes a blazing hellfire blue. He cradled Remi’s face with one hand, using the other to keep himself half propped up. “You couldn’t say the wrong thing.”

Remi laughed and rolled his eyes. “Trust me, if anyone could, it would be me. That seems to be my unofficial motto in life. The one who always fucks it up.”

He hated this compulsion to be so fucking honest with Jeremiah. He wanted to be suave and cool and sexy. Instead, he was just some mostly virginal nerd who was losing it over a knot.

Jeremiah leaned in and kissed him. It was a soft, slow press of hot lips and demanding tongue, and Remi groaned, shifting his tail again. Jeremiah grunted and thrust forward, making Remi gasp into his mouth.

“If you don’t stop, it’s never going to go down,” Jeremiah growled.

Remi nodded, then suddenly burst into laughter, clinging hard to Jeremiah, who tried to pull back in offense. “I’m sorry. Gods, baby, I’m so sorry. I’m just… I’ve never been able to shift for more than a minute or two, and the one time I managed it, you knot me.”

Jeremiah stilled and looked down at him. His face was mostly unreadable, but Remi got an odd pulse of emotion that didn’t feel like his own. Something like worry and confusion and… hope? “You never shift?”

Remi shrugged and tried not to gasp as his tail moved again. “Not really, no. Usually I can manage it for a really short time in the water, but you must have noticed by now I’m mostly human.”

“You’re not mostly human,” Jeremiah said, then let out a hissing breath when his knot started to reduce. Not enough to pull out, but enough that Remi didn’t feel like he was being tormented anymore. “That’s not a thing, you know?”

Remi shrugged, and as Jeremiah finally began to slip out, he felt the familiar spark along his spine that came with the shift. His tail spasmed and flapped, then began to shrink before it split into two, and his legs formed. He glanced down at his cock, which was floating in the water, and it was human again—tucked inside foreskin and definitely still a little slick.

Jeremiah was watching him when Remi lifted his gaze, and his lips softened into something not quite like a smile but close. “We should get cleaned up. I didn’t come down here for that reason.”

Remi pushed himself to sit and wiggled his hips from side to side as he reacclimated to having legs again. “Did you need me for something?”

“No, I just… I hadn’t seen you in hours and needed to put eyes on you.”

Remi chuckled and pushed himself up on the ledge, standing when he no longer felt his knees wobble. “You know I’m safe here, right? If nowhere else, I am here.”

He started toward his clothes but paused when he heard a splash, and then a warm hand caught his wrist and pulled him against a taut, hairy chest that burned like fire. “I know. I just… I needed to see you.”

Remi breathed out, shaky and needy all over again, and he lifted his fingers to the spot where Jeremiah had bitten him. His skin was tender but smooth, and he knew that somehow, it was significant; he just didn’t know how exactly. “I needed to see you too.”

Jeremiah laid a kiss to that sensitive spot, then backed away. “I’ve got to get back, but I’ll see you later, yeah?”

Remi nodded and watched Jeremiah walk away without another word and without bothering to stop to grab his clothes, leaving Remi wondering if he was going to wake soon to find out it was all a dream.

Gods, he hoped not.



Jeremiah wanted to pretend like he was surprised when he came down to dinner a week later to find his team sitting at the table next to the queen and king, mostly because he wanted to believe that whatever was happening between him and Remi was going to last longer.

But he wasn’t.

He held back a resigned sigh and took a seat to Remi’s left, smiling his best at the royal couple.

“So. Obviously, you have news,” Remi said, his tone sour.
