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With a swipe of gloss across my still grinning lips, I grab my bag and head back over to Logan’s place. Katie and I plan on spending the day Christmas shopping and even with the crowds, shopping of any sort is one of our favorite things to do.

Of course, Logan doesn’t let me out the door without a long list of dos and don’ts related to my safety and it’s another ten minutes before we are finally on our way. Funny how today he doesn’t seem so bossy or controlling. I’d even say he’s endearing, especially when he followed his safety message up with a steamy goodbye kiss.

Although, when we exit the building and find a chauffeur-driven limo and private security guard waiting for us out front, that could possibly still be considered controlling. How he managed to conjure this up in less than thirty minutes is a mystery. At least it means I can forget about the threats and just enjoy my shopping day with my friend.

A little while later we realize there’s an added bonus to having our own security guard, who is built like a linebacker, Mark is great at carrying our shopping. His huge hands have the capacity to scoop up a large number of brightly colored packages and, when we’ve finished at each store, deposit them in the trunk.

By midafternoon, Katie and I have purchased all the gifts needed to complete our lists. We’ve had the best day and tomorrow Katie, Dana, and I are planning a mega gift-wrapping session. That should please Logan, me safely at home with my friends. It will also give me the perfect opportunity to speak privately with Dana.

That leaves only my other best friend Sarah to speak to. I’ve already made plans to spend the holidays with her in England instead of with the Carlson family this year. To say Logan isn’t happy with the arrangement would be an understatement. He’s already mentioned it twice since last night, hinting but not saying that he’d like me to be with him.

I wish my traveling away wouldn’t cause him so much distress over my safety, but I can’t let Sarah down this late with a change of plans. I fly to London in a few days. And Logan will have to accept that. He’s trying to pull back on that alpha male control of his, but I can’t expect miracles.

I’ll suggest tomorrow night we do something for just the two of us. An early Christmas celebration when we can exchange gifts. I can’t wait to see Logan’s face when he opens the PS5 and Modern Warfare game I bought him. It will be fun playing against him in the evenings, a bit like we did years ago in high school.

In the back seat of the limo, Katie turns to me. “Please tell me I’m not going to have to put up with you grinning like that forever. I know that look of yours, and it can only mean you are having sexy thoughts about my brother. It’s kind of freaking me out.”

It’s a fair comment when thoughts of gifts and Logan went way beyond a PS5.

I laugh at her lighthearted teasing. “Sorry, hun. I can’t help it. Logan just makes me happy.”

Her eyebrows rise. “Good! But I have to say, Logan and the word happy mentioned in the same sentence feels a bit weird. It’s going to take some getting used to.” She reaches her hand to rest on top of mine. “I don’t think he’s ever been as talkative as he was this morning while you were getting ready. I swear I heard him whistling when he went to pour us a second coffee.”

I’d like to think that grumpy, moody Logan is a thing of the past. I’ll certainly aim to make that the case, at least when he’s out of the office.

“Sooo … can I assume this is serious?” Katie asks.

I push my hair back from my face. My instinct is to agree instantly, but I hesitate, wondering how Logan would answer the question. Neither of us has been the gold standard in our previous relationships. For me, I know that’s because no one else has ever measured up to Logan, my first crush. My previous boyfriends were nice, but just nice. Only Logan challenges me on every level, with his dry wit, thoughtful intelligence, and exceptional skills in the bedroom.

I look back at her. “I think so. I hope so.”

She narrows her dark eyes. “Hey, why the hesitation?” she asks.

“There’s no hesitation on my part. We just haven’t really talked about us like that. It’s all very new, even before the recent bump in our relationship.”

It even feels odd discussing Logan like this with Katie. Maybe my friend and I are going to have some rules around me talking to her about dating her brother. I certainly won’t be sharing everything like I’ve done in the past.

“It might only be a couple of weeks, but you and Logan have known each other half your lives. From what I saw this morning, I think he’s serious.”

My mouth pops open. Maybe she’s right. And maybe I need to have this conversation with Logan.


Soon after, we are pulling up to our apartment building and then making our way upstairs with Mark and the doorman helping us with our bags. They place them in the living area and then leave.

“Hey, I’m going to let Logan know we’re back,” I say. Katie rolls her eyes not believing for a moment that’s all I intend to do.

With a shrug, I spin on my heel and seconds later, walk into Logan’s apartment. I find him sprawled on his sofa, a glass of whiskey in his hand, and his long legs stretched out in front of him. His head is leaning back on the cushion, those intense dark eyes closed for once and partially covered by his unusually messed up hair. To anyone else he’d look like he doesn’t have a care in the world. But I’ve known him long enough to recognize the tension in his brow, the tightness across his ridiculously broad shoulders, and the muscle twitch at the corner of his left eye.

“Logan?” I say, standing in front of him.

His eyes pop open and he instantly smiles but it doesn’t completely reach his eyes. “Hi, Sunshine.”

“Is something wrong?” I ask.

“Come here,” he says, beckoning me. I curl into his arms; the steady beat of his heart beneath my ear is one of my favorite sounds.

His deep voice rumbles up from his chest. “Todd rang earlier. He said he needs to see us tonight. I think he has some important news.”
