Page 11 of Captive Mate

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Another fiery look crossing his face, his eyes glowing, he shook his head. And when he spoke, his voice boomed as if he was shouting to the universe. “No more yet, little human. Discipline first.”



As with everything else that had occurred with this bizarre fantasy, I was suddenly positioned on all fours on a platform of some kind. I couldn’t see a single shackle holding me down. No chains. No rope. Nothing. But here I was completely naked and positioned like a dog, unable to move.

And what was worse? Given the multiple sounds, there were no doubt other creatures in the room. Whoa. I definitely know I didn’t check any boxes for approving acts of humiliation. There would be no way I’d do something like that.

Would I?

I cringed from the thought because at this point, I wasn’t entirely certain of anything. For all I knew, this could be very real. Was that possible? Given the day and age, anything was possible. Breathe and think. While I did, that didn’t mean I could move.

“Hey. Mr. Beast. Where are you?”

The only answer seemed to be gasps from the audience. Maybe I wasn’t supposed to talk. I jerked my arms, fighting the fear starting to crawl through my system all over again. This was absolutely insane. There seemed to be a haze surrounding the platform preventing me from seeing more than a few feet in front of me, but I sensed there had to be a dozen people surrounding me. Why? Why was the beast doing this to me?

Because I was a lowly human and he was a god? That didn’t make any sense. I would never fantasize about something like this. Never.

As the seconds turned into minutes, I was starting to become lightheaded. Then I heard another sound and sucked in my breath. Suddenly, the fog just disappeared. Blinking furiously, it still took me a few seconds to be able to focus on my surroundings. This time, the area was a bit lusher with what appeared to be foliage attached to the previously dead-looking trees. Leaves in various gorgeous hues of crimson and tangerine whipped in a light breeze, but it was explosively warm, so much so I continued to perspire.

At least I was still able to move my head. That allowed me to see that I was in the middle of a huge auditorium of some kind. And there weren’t just a dozen or so people here. There were hundreds, maybe thousands. From what I could tell, my discipline was the only thing they’d arrived to see.

Holy shit.

“Mr. Beast. Where are you?” Heat flashes rushed over the length of my body. Then he suddenly appeared from the shadows.

With a thick leather strap of some kind in his hand.

“Oh, no. You are not going to spank me with that thing. I forbid it.”

He smiled and while it wasn’t the first time, at this moment it sent the fear of God into me.

“Humans are all alike. You do not rule, my pet. I do. You will take your punishment like a good little girl.”

Who was he calling a good little girl?

He walked around me, taking his sweet time. Now the crowd was cheering him on with strange grunts and growls. They were nothing but wild animals. And here I was, nothing but prey. My imagination was way too overactive.

The moment he touched the small of my back, I felt a sense of peace I hadn’t before, calmness. It was strange but welcoming and lasted right up until he cracked the strap across my bottom.

I heard my scream, but the sound and the act seemed surreal, as if I was floating above myself peering down, unable to feel anything. Then he repeated the savage action, and I was one hundred percent aware I could feel everything. The rush of adrenaline. The rapid beating of my heart. The increase in my pulse. And the pain that quickly skyrocketed into utter anguish. Oh, holy hell, the agony was searing.

This kind of thing had never occurred before. I knew what spankings were but from history books, corporal punishment in households outlawed, only allowed in kink clubs. And I’d certainly never been to one of those. It was crazy to even think about it. I was a good girl in all things.

Then why did this feel so good?

My captor snapped his wrist again with enough force, I was certain he’d broken his bones. Then he issued a sharp volley of lashes, one coming right after the other. As I fell into a lull, I wasn’t certain if it was from the pain suddenly morphing into explosive need, or the savage growls he was emitting. Either way, the moment was intoxicating. Then there were the howls and catcalls from the audience, the crowd in full approval of the horrible deed being done to me.

Strangely enough, a laugh bubbled to the surface as the round of discipline continued. I was somehow enjoying every stroke of the strap, the buildup of heat delicious in every way. When he cracked at least four across the tops of my thighs, I threw my head back with an animalistic growl, comparable to a lioness in the wild.

And I was proud of myself for doing so.

He stopped long enough to caress me, rolling the rough pads of his fingers across my skin, which created another wave of dancing sensations. By now, my skin was filled with them, my toes curled from the blissful moment of ecstasy.

Was the audience chanting? I might not know their language, but it was obvious to me they were hoping for more.

The god beast succumbed to their desires, delivering four more.
