Page 12 of Captive Mate

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Then I felt another sensation of a vacuum and the moment I blinked the crowd had disappeared. Now I was on my back, spread-eagled, my arms shackled over my head. My God. What was happening here? He could make a thousand people disappear with a flick of his finger? Okay, if he was a god, then he could do anything. Right? My nerves were so shot I wanted to laugh.

I licked my lips, which were now completely parched, and peered down. At least I could move my legs. Uh-oh. Not for long. The beast creature stepped onto the platform. Now he appeared to be ten feet tall, although I knew better. He peered down at me with lust in his eyes. Then he wrapped his fingers around his loincloth, yanking it away.

The moment I was allowed to see the beauty of his… Oh, my God. His cock was a creation from some god. It had to be. There were nubs all over the shaft, which was so long and thick that I was in some crazy kind of shock and awe. It was throbbing and I wasn’t exactly sure there was a color on the spectrum chart to describe the hue. But my mouth watered as it hadn’t done before, even though there was no possible chance I’d be able to place my lips around something so huge.

But I could look and hunger and thirst to taste him.

He cocked his head, still studying me as he rubbed the base of his shaft. I struggled with my bindings, longing to be able to touch him. When he knelt, I was instantly intoxicated with his scent. It was muskier than before, full of testosterone and crazy exotic spices that infused my senses, leaving me tingling, my core shooting fireworks.

“What are you doing?” As if I didn’t know.

“Fucking you.” There was no pretend to his words, no sense of romance or foreplay. Just hardcore fucking. Which was fine, better than fine actually.

He used his knee to push my legs apart. Then he slipped his arms under my thighs, bending my knees. To think to this day I’d been licked by a man twice in my life. Twice. And I couldn’t say it was anything to write home to Mother about.

In fact, I’d told myself more than once I preferred a vibrator to a man’s tongue. But when he dragged his tongue down the entire length of my pussy, I jerked my head up. That’s the moment I noticed his tongue wasn’t normal. Oh, hell, no. He had two tongues. Two. It was another moment where complete shock kept my mouth open, unable to blink as he lifted my pelvis off the platform, repeating the same action.

I wasn’t the kind of girl to go without words. I retorted. I was smart-alecky after all. But this… this was such an incredible moment there were no words rolling around in my mind, just sheer pleasure. As he continued licking and sucking my clit, I was thrown into bliss. It was breathtaking, stealing more than just my mind.

I eased my head back to the platform as he feasted, cognizant I was making little moaning sounds. My mind was spinning nearly out of control, but this was pure sin, and I loved every second of it. My imagination was incredible. Maybe I should consider writing books in my off time. Whenever that might be.

After a few seconds, he thrust his two tongues inside and I jerked my legs open even wider in a crazy and very blatant offering to this absolute god of a man. He was so damn good at what he did I was in crazed awe of him. As soon as he plunged several fingers inside along with his tongues, I couldn’t take the pleasure any longer, it was so insanely good.

“Oh, yes. Yes. Yes!” I screamed as loud as I could, not caring if I was doing so in real life. In this world, it didn’t matter who heard my howls of pleasure. Why should I care about the real life I had? It was time to break free from my armor, becoming the wild child. I grinned and dragged my tongue across my lower lip, savoring every growl.

When he flexed his fingers open, I knew that within seconds, I was going to lose the battle of control, exploding in his mouth. That was just fine with me. I tossed my head back and forth, still making the moaning sounds. When he dared to drive his thumb into my asshole, I could take no more, trying and failing to jerk up from the tight confines, my scream now silent. The orgasm was like a slow building tidal wave that erupted over me, electric sensations coursing through every vein throughout my body.

I was nothing but a live wire, a crazed woman. It was insane but I could see doing this for eons to come. Years and years and… It wasn’t real. Shit. This wasn’t real. As that single climax turned into a second, I lolled my head to the side. Then I felt a sharp pain tearing through my lower extremities. When I managed to lift my head, I stared down at him, my vision obviously hazy.

Oh, my God. I’d been right. He’d sunk sharp canines into the area of my thigh so close to my swollen folds that my pussy refused to stop clenching and releasing. I couldn’t blink or move, the pain quickly shifting away, the blast of ecstasy even more intense than when the climax had spun my body into a frenzy.

He was growling. He was feasting. He was sucking my blood. At least that’s what it seemed like. I might be wrong.

A warmth spread over me like a soft blanket and I was pushed into a dreamlike state, my head lolled to the side. All I could concentrate on was the sucking sounds his mouth made as well as the slight echo of my heart beating rapidly. This was pure pleasure as its most basic, primal state. And I loved everything about it.

I closed my eyes, remaining in a beautiful bliss until I realized that he’d moved. Gasping for air, I twisted my head, struggling to see where he’d gone. I was now ready to beg him to fuck me. Was I mad?

Fortunately, I didn’t need to. I felt the weight of his body pressed against mine seconds later. Then he yanked one leg over his shoulder, driving the entire length of his cock inside. No pretense. No warning. No foreplay.

Just like I’d requested.

Rough and tumble style.

The air was sucked out of my lungs as my muscles stretched beyond imagination to accommodate his huge girth. It was crazy that he was able to fit inside of me, especially since I hadn’t experienced sex in almost two years. I was doing it again, replacing fantasy with the possibility of reality.

Not a chance.

But a girl could dream.

I tugged at the invisible bindings as he pulled almost all the way out, driving into me again. And again. Screams erupted from my throat as he fucked me, but they were ones of utter pleasure, the kind that would leave my throat scratchy and my mouth dry.

There was a ferocity to his fucking, a need so intense that it left me in the very fog he’d created. Being lightheaded was only part of the feelings and sensations. It was crazy and wonderful.

And I never wanted it to stop.

He fucked me long and hard, every sound he made savage in nature, every hard thrust pushing me further into his darkness. He refused to take his eyes off me, his so piercing I knew I was seeing straight into his soul. And in those few minutes of our coupling, I sensed that he had made me his mate.

I couldn’t wait to tell Tory that the credits she’d used had been well worth the money.
