Page 14 of Captive Mate

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There was always talk, predatory species trying to grasp power that only our kind had. It was typical, a game that I’d never fallen for. I heard Lieutenant Barto snickering as if the bastard had just made a joke.

We’d been the subject of thousands of intergalactic jokes and betrayals, threats coming from those we’d defeated on a constant basis. That’s one reason I traveled as often as I did, ridding the universe of scum like this while maintaining our brutal reputation. Things weren’t like they used to be. Alliances had been formed and broken, wars being fought on almost half the planets in the various galaxies. It was cause for alarm, especially since fewer offspring were being produced, an indication my father’s reign was coming to an end.

I didn’t like to think in those regards, ignoring the signs as my three brothers had. We’d lived the good life, princes of the most powerful kingdom in the universe. Why did I have a feeling it was all coming to a crashing end?

I glanced at one of the last remaining members of what my father liked to refer to as a gang and sighed. We’d taken their campsite by surprise, aided by members of the intergalactic parliament, who’d asked us to intervene on the species’ behalf. I’d only needed fifteen of my most powerful men to wipe them out.

The stench of bodily fluids and gore permeated the dense air. I issued a deep growl as I turned toward him, eyeing their illustrious leader with disdain. “It would appear you are a fool. And you fucked with the wrong Vektorian. You will face your maker.” With that, I raked my sabre across his thick corded neck. As his life fluid spewed from the stumps considered his veins, I took a step back, careful to avoid the traps his soldiers had established around their camp.

Except for the weeping Centoria females who’d been captured and were about to be freed, none of the disgusting slime was left standing. I was considered one of the most formidable forces in the universe, my three brothers the only other beings who could challenge me. Even my father no longer enjoyed the battles he’d once loved to fight.

I hunkered down, surveying the scene. The planet had been ravaged by the bastards, its people suffering for far too many years. The price the gang had paid was not nearly enough. Plus, they’d ignored our rules, refusing to bow down to our power. They learned the hard way I was omnipotent.

“They are all dead.”

The words rang in my ears, my lieutenant’s tone full of disdain. I rose from my crouched position, turning in a full circle as my second in command flanked my side, his weapon still held with both hands. When he shifted the sword back and forth from one grip to the other, I cocked my head. “Are four hundred Cremar creatures not enough for you, Grazine?” He knew when I called him by his given name, I’d become irritated with him.

However, this time Lieutenant Barto grinned before throwing his head back and roaring. Then he kicked one of the severed heads of the disgusting beasts across the terrain, laughing when it launched into the air given the atmospheric change.

“You know how I am, Commander Soltar. I enjoy the blood sport almost as much as you do. Or perhaps I should call you Butcher from now on.”

Blood sport. It had been a nickname provided by another lowlife alien species for our heinous actions, his intergalactic article on my kingdom seeming to reach every corner of the universe. I’d heard there were at least sixteen different production companies interested in the story rights, which the fucker would be happy to sell to the highest bidder. He was another scum species of the universe, capable of selling his firstborn son if he thought he could make a profit.

“Do not call me that.” I wiped life fluid from the dozens of recent kills from my sabre, studying the carnage with interest. I’d been angry on this go around, eradicating at least sixty of the fuckers all by myself.

The criminal element had been warned to stop hunting the various species and they hadn’t listened. I’d been forced to take matters into my own hands as the God of Fire, son of the creator of the universe. Grazine knew me too well and he was right. I did enjoy the killing almost as much as being the protector of the various species, a task I’d been born into.

All four children had been given responsibilities from protection to annihilation as necessary. We were damn good at it. But I’d begun to think there had to be more out of life than just blood sport.

“It has a nice ring to it.” He laughed, completely enjoying my discomfort. “Did you see the last threat?”

“I heard it, Grazine. Nothing new.”

“Other than they’ve found a weakness. Do you have any idea what that means?”

I’d received the communication from an unknown source, which shouldn’t have surprised me, but it had. It hadn’t been addressed to anyone, which did concern me to some degree, but I refused to allow that to show. “No.”

“I attempted to trace it,” he said casually.

I cocked my head, glaring at him, the itch to spew fire coming closer to the surface. “Without my authorization.”

“I thought you’d want to learn the source.”

He was taking far too many advantages of our friendship, which irritated the hell out of me. I pressed the tip of my blade against his throat, waiting as he comprehended that he’d crossed a line. “You seem to forget I’m your commander.”

“Not at all, Commander Soltar. I was concerned for your safety. Nothing more.”

“You mean you were concerned that you wouldn’t get back to Vektor in time to take the few days off you put in for.”

He grinned as if embarrassed. “No, sir. Not at all.”

Exhaling, I pulled the sabre away. “What did you find?”

“Nothing. That’s what bothers me the most. There was no trace of where it came from.”

There were various species that had the capability of hiding everything, including their communications. However, I had a feeling someone was playing a game. “If another communication comes in, I need to know immediately.”

“Yes, sir. And maybe you’re right. I am looking forward to some R & R.”
