Page 15 of Captive Mate

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“And where are you going?”

“One of the Earth Stations.” He grinned and I shook my head.

The lure of the human female had drawn many a Vektorian into the danger zone. While my father had yet to forbid the interaction, he discouraged it. The disturbing effect they had on every male no matter what creature had spawned them was undeniable. Males lost their minds with lust. Human females should be avoided at all costs.

“You will be careful, Grazine. If you lose your mind, I’ll imprison you myself.”

“You are in a pissy mood, Commander. Perhaps you need to consider hunting for a mate.”

“Not on your fucking life.” My snarl was louder than normal.

He grinned, shaking his head.

While I scowled at him, I realized I was starving. Hunting and killing always made me long to feast. At least our mission had gone better than I’d anticipated. I swung around, pressing the tip of my sabre into his throat a second time, giving him a playful look to break the tension between us. “You know how I get when I’m cranky.”

“Yeah, that’s the problem. You need to have sexual relations.”

Now, I laughed.

He shook his head. The Vektorian had been by my side for generations, which meant he knew my moods better than most. When he grabbed the sharp tip, allowing the blade to slice his hand as he pushed it away, I rolled my eyes. He would be healed within seconds.

“Should I allow the other soldiers to feast?” he asked.

“Their life fluid is poisonous. That’s what I’ve recently been told. I won’t risk it. However, after you free the females, present them with several of the heads for their… amusement.”

“You are such a bad Vektorian.”

“Yes, I am.” Which was how I’d built a reputation as being the wild son of the God of Creation, which I enjoyed living up to.

I was a killing machine. To me, it was just business.

As one of my other lieutenants approached, I was surprised. He was in control of our fleet of ships, required to always remain with them. He stopped a few yards from where I was standing, shaking his head.

“Getting out your aggressions, Commander?” Lieutenant Manta asked, a look of amusement on his face.

“They are vile creatures who deserved the punishment.”

“You mean they were. It would appear they’re all dead.”

“What are you doing here, Lieutenant? You were told to remain on the ship.” I shoved the sabre into the holster and headed in his direction taking long strides.

“I was sent here by your father. He didn’t care that you were engaged in battle. His orders were clear. As soon as you were finished, we were heading back.”

Exhaling, I stopped short, glancing at him. He knew better than to fuck with me regarding my demanding father. I couldn’t remember the last time he’d ordered anyone to interrupt my work. That meant there was a significant issue on Vektor. “What does he want?” Although I had a feeling I knew. It was time for him to choose which of his four sons would ascend to his throne. The rumors had been started on actual information that had leaked. Or maybe my father had done so on purpose, putting various species on edge. I’d also felt it coming for a long time.

“You know your father. He told me if I asked one more time, he’d have my head on a silver platter. I believe him. I have the ship ready for departure when you command it so.”

Goddamn it. I’d wanted to enjoy my return, including drinking copious volumes of stashed away liquor from one of the three planets I’d had business on. “Fine. Get back to the ship. I’ll be there shortly.”

The lieutenant nodded, whistling under his breath after taking another glance at the mess I’d created before heading to the transport space.

“That doesn’t sound good,” Grazine said.

“No, it doesn’t. Finish up here.”

“I’ll take a few phototron shots to intersperse on the galactic news sites.”

I gave him a hard glare. “Why?”
