Page 32 of Captive Mate

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The way he was looking at me was as if he recognized me as well. No, not recognized. Hungered for. I’d gone from the frying pan into the fire.

The electricity continued to flow, the heat in my fingertips entirely different than before, more sensual in nature. Suddenly, I was wet between my legs, my pussy throbbing. I was shuddering, vibrations tearing through me as my very core heated up to an explosive point.

The unknown creature stared at me with such intensity I was pitched into a vacuum, everything else around me fading away.

He kept his hold, raking his heated gaze down my face to my neck and breasts. I didn’t need a lesson in the beast’s anatomy to know being this close to me had him fully aroused. Whatever appendage he had between his legs was huge, as in twice the size of any normal human.

You’ve had him before. He fit just fine, remember?

Sometimes I hated my inner voice.

Swallowing, I realized I was playing with fire.

The quip wasn’t lost on me. The man had spewed the substance seconds before and I was making jokes. What in the world was wrong with me?

You’re in shock. That’s what.This beast could do more harm to you than the others. You need to get away. Fight or flight.

As soon as the words were whispered into my mind, he let me go, his chest rising and falling as he took rapid breaths. Dear God. The beast could also read my mind?

Just like the one from the fantasy. The weirdness about the situation was getting off the charts.

When he reached for me again, I knew I had to do something.

I decided to choose flight, pushing hard against him to try to break the connection. But I added insult to injury, managing to kick him hard in the groin.

He responded by issuing a terrifying roar, the sound booming in the space around us. Why the hell didn’t club guards come running?

I backed away quickly, struggling to find any words to say to him. A hum of vibrations danced from the ground underneath his feet to just beneath mine. I glanced down quickly, half expecting to see a massive hole opening up to swallow me in or to see the earth scorched.

There was nothing odd. I couldn’t seem to stop shaking, the beast’s silence unnerving. But I could swear he was letting me know through mental telepathy that he wouldn’t hurt me, not after he’d saved my life.

I backed away even further, still tongue tied. Fortunately, I managed to find my voice. “Thank you for saving my life.” Then my behavior was as unusual as before. Instead of peppering the beast with questions, I turned around and fled, grabbing my fallen bag then moving quickly toward the entrance without looking back.

But after rushing inside, I glanced over my shoulder.

My hero had disappeared.

* * *



They weren’t anything like what I’d expected seeing them in real life. They were indeed as frail as I’d heard, so fragile that with a snap of my little finger bones would break. Their skin was so thin that a few seconds in my sun, and they wouldn’t recover from the burns. There was also an arrogance about them that defied logic.

However, I sensed the exact reason the males of other alien species lost their minds, eager for a single taste. Her scent alone was enough for any beast to become intoxicated, almost like a combination of the flowering objects on Vektor coupled with the aroma of a spring rain. As strange as it sounded even to a god like me, the sweet taste of her pussy lingered on my tongue from the ridiculous fantasy I’d been involved in.

She’d called to me, her dream awakening the sadistic creature inside. That’s when I’d known for certain our meeting had been arranged years before, nurtured by suggestion by my father. He’d played a game with me, refusing to direct me toward her because he knew I’d do exactly the opposite. The man was smart as a whip. I had to wonder who he’d planned for my brother.

And I had no doubt our father had the entire future laid out. Why wouldn’t he? I snickered at the thought.

The males of the species were entirely different. I’d encountered four of them when forced to go through a short quarantine. They’d acted as if they were better than me, making fun of my battered ships, not bothering to notice the battle scars from lightyears of travel.

If I had to guess, I’d say they’d never been off Earth Station Sixty-Nine. While I had to admit the location was colorful with vibrant hues from reds to greens, the unpredictable weather and cool breeze was nothing as I’d expected.

I’d walked the streets, searching for any sign of intelligent life, finding nothing of interest. There were few other species allowed on the moon star, which meant humans were also fearful for their safety. Perhaps they possessed certain aspects of wisdom. Perhaps.

The time spent had been interesting but not fruitful. I’d been drawn to her but given we’d yet to meet, I hadn’t been able to find her location. That had wasted valuable time, increasing my rage. I’d begun to think I was on a fool’s quest.
