Page 33 of Captive Mate

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Until I’d caught a whiff of the cretins who’d managed to fly in under the human’s radar system. Tantians were vile creatures, more so than the dozen or so others within their genus. As they were hired mercenaries, I’d realized instantly that they had a particular mark in mind, a human they’d been paid to kill or capture.

On a highly protected Earth Station such as this one, that usually meant a powerful influencer, a black-market criminal, or a politician. While known for trafficking in females, they usually gathered their prey at much easier spots than one so secured. I’d been curious as to their intended target, my anticipation they were after a human female correct.

Although I hadn’t anticipated it would be my mate. Instantly, my hackles had been raised. What were the chances she’d been selected at random? Zero. There were dozens of attractive human females on the Earth Station. Why hadn’t the Tantians scooped them up and been on their way before risking the chance the stringent security system installed on the moon planet would draw attention to their presence? Granted, I’d heard the Tantians had recently unveiled a cloaking system that could challenge every alien security. Still, the risk had to be worth the reward, especially given the reputation of the man who controlled the armed forces on Earth Station Sixty-Nine.

He just happened to be my mate’s father.

Too many coincidences at a time when I couldn’t be wrong about my choice.

Hissing, I realized that whatever was happening was likely a conspiracy to keep me from mating with her. That could push the timing up. However, prudence was required. I had to know for certain she was my mate. Anything else could start an interplanetary war. Her father wouldn’t let her go easily.

I would give the human some credit, as foolish as her behavior had been. She refused to take shit from anyone. She wasn’t what I’d expected, even contemplating finding a weapon to use against me. I could read her mind, something that was both tempting as well as annoying.

She’d glared at me with twinkling eyes, attracted yet furious I’d come to her rescue. Had she no clue that she’d come close to becoming a slave for the rest of her life? Humans. They were aggravating as fuck. Could I stand living with her for all eternity?

Only if I trained her. That could be enjoyable. I had to admit it. There was no denying our intense connection or the electricity we shared.

I understood to many she’d be considered beautiful with her long golden hair and bright green eyes. Her skin had been softer than anticipated as well, searing slightly under my fingertips. What had surprised me more than anything was her fighting spirit. She would never have had a chance of survival with the Tantians, yet that hadn’t stopped her. She’d fought them with everything she had.

Then she’d fought me.

That had forced my cock into a fully aroused state, something that hadn’t occurred in a long time. A reason to find her again.

But there was more than one reason. The fact we’d engaged in carnal activity before was stimulating. The first night had been little more a dream state, a taste of the gift provided to all four sons of the God of Creation. Leaving my body for extended periods of time, exploring the universe in an altered state had never intrigued me. Until my father had suggested I could leave it to satisfy my dark cravings. I’d listened to him, enjoying the refreshing activity.

And I’d done it again, going to the next level to allow what my body and mind remembered as a physical connection. Again, at my father’s suggestion for a birthday present. I wanted to laugh. He’d led me along a path for years, waiting for the right time. The man was a genius manipulator.

I’d done it a few times but had grown bored with the gift from my father, preferring actuality to the esoteric experience. I’d experienced a few other alien females, always hungering for the human. Why tell me we weren’t compatible? To push my cravings even more. I would have a long conversation with him when I returned to Vektor.

The bottom line was I’d tasted her before and I would do so again. And this time, she wouldn’t be allowed out of my sight. I took a deep whiff, locating her easily by her exotic scent. She was inside the building where I could hear strange music. And there were dozens of males, some from other species. And I sensed their hunger for her.

That wasn’t going to happen.

No other creature would ever touch her again.

As I headed for the door of the strange establishment, I rolled the tips of my fingers together, gathering another whiff of her scent. I was already drunk off it, which didn’t bode well for ensuring we both left the planet without harm. If the Tantians wanted her for a specific reason, that meant they’d try again. Now, they’d be angry. At least I hadn’t allowed them an opportunity to make contact with their mother ship, warning them a Vektorian was in the same location. That would also place the lives of the other humans living on the Earth Station in jeopardy.

I had to remember my oath to protect the good people of every species. The bad people? I could kill them and had every intention of doing so as often as necessary.

After throwing open the door and storming inside, I brought my hand to my face, taking a deep whiff again. The fragrance was delicate, exotic. Pleasurable. The experience had been electrifying and not only because I’d crushed five of the unwanted beasts but because I’d had a chance to come close to a dazzling human female.

What had surprised me more than anything was the connection I’d felt to her, including being able to read her mind. My father had never mentioned that was possible with humans. He’d made it seem like their brain waves couldn’t function at such a high level. Maybe there were aspects about humans he had no clue about.

In fact, the synergy I’d experienced with the girl had been so powerful there was no doubt of how much importance she had to my life and that of every Vektorian. However, given my father had already known that, why the games? For political reasons? I wouldn’t put it past him. Humans were powerful in their own right, their people living in several galaxies. Still, an interesting choice. Not that the thought of fucking a human was appetizing, but that was the only to ensure that our two species would work in the biological sense.

I scanned the facility, my senses immediately assaulted by noise I’d never heard before. It was as if there was something wrong with almost everyone inside, their bodies jerking in strange actions to the heavy beat of a horrific sound that they seemed to enjoy. It strained my ears.

Snarling, the second some asshole stopped me by placing their fingers on my skin, I snapped my head in their direction. Fortunately, the large human backed off, shaking his hand from the slight burn. I had the ability to turn my skin into molten lava, another attribute that made our kind all but indestructible. I could also turn it off if desired, which up to now was something I’d yet to do. The fact it had shifted to the lowest level when I was near the girl was another reason I needed to fuck her.

It had been my body’s involuntary reaction. The asshole who’d dared touch a god had learned his lesson, currently howling like some crazed banshee animal. Even my pet dragon didn’t make screeching sounds like the human was doing.

I took a deep whiff. It would seem everyone on the planet wore some kind of artificial fragrance, every scent assaulting my senses. Her fragrance was special. It was merely a matter of weeding through the hundreds of humans to find her. My balls tightened at the thought.

As I pushed my way through the crowd, some glared at me in horror while several females attempted to pull me onto a brightly lit floor, the pulsing lights matching the odd beat I’d heard from before. I made mental note of the layout of the facility, realizing there were separate rooms with dozens of other bodies inside. I’d gathered the scent of sex, which I found interesting, somewhat arousing. I couldn’t discern the girl’s fragrance. However, she was here. I could feel her.

I was surprised at the attire, items of clothing that certainly wouldn’t protect them if a war broke out. Perhaps they didn’t care or enjoyed being sitting ducks. I powered through the room, realizing there was several floors to the ugly location. It was just a matter of time before I found her.

“Hey, sugar. Would you like to dance?”
