Page 4 of Captive Mate

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And his ownership.

The thought popped into my mind, and I opened my eyes wide. What if a small part of this was real?

All rational thought stopped the moment the most powerful orgasm of my life swept through me like a tidal wave, beating the hell out of the vibrators I’d used. I was lost in a sea of dancing colors.

“Oh, I’m going to…” The bouncing was more ferocious, and I fisted my hand around his long strands of hair to keep myself tethered to him. As the climax reached its peak, my scream could likely be heard from space. “Keep fucking me. That’s it.”

Then I sensed his body tensing, his breathing as irregular as mine. There was something so intoxicating about his deep, rumbling growls, the savage sound just like an animal would make moments before mating. I realized my eyes were closed, savoring the moment before finding myself in a deep REM sleep.

“Look at me, little human,” he commanded, and I sensed his stern order was not to be denied.

I opened my eyes slowly, blinking several times to try to focus. Then I felt his cock swelling deep inside of me, stretching me to my limits. The roar of passion between us was unbelievable, as if we were always meant to be together.


“I will return for you when the time is right. But as of now, you belong to me.”

Then all seemed to fade to black.

“What the fuck?”

Startled, I heard the lilting voice of my dorm mate as she bounded into the room, flicking on the harsh overhead light. “What?” I jerked up, taking gasping breaths, blinking to try to remove the fog from my eyes.

“You were screaming. Well, not at first. You were telling someone to fuck you.” Tory’s eyes suddenly opened wide. Then she pressed her hand across her mouth.

That’s when I glanced down. Oh, fuck me. I was completely naked. What the hell had I done in my sleep?

“I will return for you when the time is right. But as of now, you belong to me.”

The alien’s words lingered in the back of my mind, and I licked my dry lips, yanking at the sheet. Then I stumbled off the bed, realizing the insides of my thighs were sticky.

“What happened?” she asked. “That dream again?”


“Whew. Girl. I need one of those. A fantasy of some kind.” Tory started jabbering on about something, but I was lost in concentration, unable to get the image of the creature’s face or his delicious body out of my mind.

Then I turned around and stared through the open blinds toward the sky. Even on this blasphemous Earth Station, there were twinkling stars, a reminder that humans weren’t the only creatures out there. And suddenly, I was petrified. When I slipped my hand between my legs, I took a deep breath. Then I pulled my fingers into the light.

The substance was… fluid mixed with blood. My blood.

As if I’d just lost my virginity.

Oh, my lord. What was happening?


Earth Station Eighty-Eight

Educational facility

Year twenty-eight ninety


This was a very bad idea. Terrible.

The dream had filtered into my mind all day, so much so I was thankful I’d managed to shove it out of my mind for almost nine months. I’d been busy with school and interning at a lovely veterinary hospital, so exhausted at night I almost never dreamed.
