Page 5 of Captive Mate

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Why go now?

I was finally using Tory’s birthday gift, which I’d ignored until now. Now I knew why. The horrific yet sensual dream that had haunted me for weeks afterwards. The fact my OB-GYN had confirmed I’d lost my virginity when that wasn’t possible had kept me on edge. I had to have a screw loose to allow a dark fantasy of any kind to occur.

I leaned forward, making faces at the girl in the reflection surface, trying to talk myself out of it. A fantasy experience of a lifetime. Who did that? Someone who had a little bit of money and a desire to enter a realm in which they’d never feel comfortable participating in real life.

If I had to admit it, I’d be forced to say I had an ego. I always had. I’d excelled in everything I did from sports to higher education. I came from amazing parents who adored each other. They were highly respected, and I’d grown up never wanting for anything.

That didn’t mean I wasn’t a nice girl. In fact, my mother had called me too nice. Accommodating. In other words, I was easy to walk all over and had been several times in my life. Maybe that’s why I’d put all my time and effort into my beloved animals, changing majors, studying to become a veterinarian.

That was also likely the reason the couple of boyfriends I’d had in my life had been borderline abusive wanting only one thing. Sex. Sex. And more sex. I spent my days studying, my nights sleeping, not partying like a wild girl.

What I was about to do was without a doubt the wildest thing I’d ever done in my life. And I was merely a ripe old age of twenty-four. Fulfilling a fantasy. Taking a walk on the wild side, whatever that was. The expression was one I’d learned from my parents.

At least I could admit my faults. Dealing with people was one of them. The other? Embracing my kinkiness. Sure, I owned a vibrator or two, but had I ever done anything truly kinky? Nope. Not me. Not this girl. Even now, as I stood in front of a holograph imageboard, I was hesitant to give truthful answers.

That is except in my dreams. Laughter bubbled to the surface. This was just a natural step in entering the real world of kink. So my bestie had told me. Why had I listened to her?

Every desire fulfilled. Every fantasy allowed. Nothing to hold you back. We strive to ensure you’ll experience pleasure beyond your wildest expectations, or the credits will be returned in full.

The corporation’s moniker was right there on the wall, in the holograph image and nestled in every contract at least twice. My bestie had obviously used up months’ worth of leisure credits to provide me with such a tremendous gift and I’d almost allowed them to expire.

Exhaling, I glanced at the questionnaire again, chewing on my inner cheek. Fantasies. I had them. Every woman did. I’d just never acted on them, other than the use of a few kinky little implements now and again. I was as vanilla in the bedroom as it got. But here, I could be as kinky and filthy as I wanted to be. Hmm…

Rough or passionate.

The letters were three dimensional on the air screen, each one color coded to represent the ‘hotness factor’ of every question. This one was bright orange. Spicy. How come there wasn’t a selection for both? Okay, fine. Rough.

Adventurous or sensual?


Acts of discipline?

Discipline. Hmmm… That had to mean spanking. Right? It was a yes or no question without choices. Great. I hesitated, shifting from one foot to the other. Someone, I sensed the droid controlling my fantasy was becoming impatient. Fine. Yes. I dragged my finger across the image screen, forcing another one to appear.

Consensual or nonconsensual.

Now I had to take a pause. This was nothing but a fantasy derived from my deepest, darkest thoughts but the question was one I’d never asked myself before.

Liar. Liar. Pants on fire.

I rolled my eyes and allowed my finger to hover from one answer to the other. “Hmmm… So, droid? Can you find me the biggest, baddest alpha male in the universe?” I issued the question out loud, although I wasn’t entirely certain the android controlling my little fantasy was either listening or programmed to give a shit.

“What would you prefer?” The voice was a shock, something so unexpected I felt more naked than I would have if I’d selected some form-fitting attire or if I was standing entirely nude.

“Um… A real bad boy? You know, a ruthless man who refuses to take no for an answer?”

I laughed because I was framing a hero from romance books of the past as well. That wasn’t in fashion any longer. There were no men in leather jackets taking a hot woman. I had to admit, hearing about the old days of how men were from my mother, who still read dirty novels, was enticing.

She’d even loaned me some of her prized possessions, books so erotic that I’d blushed more than once.

“I can program that in for you.”

I rolled my eyes. I could only imagine what the droid would come up with. Now I just needed to answer the questions without lying about them. At least my description was as far removed from my sinful dream as possible.

After groaning, I was truthful. Nonconsensual. There. Now all my dirty inner secrets were exposed. No one had to know. Right? Except the droids in charge of the expensive leisure time experience. But they weren’t human. They weren’t allowed to divulge a single answer for fear of being shut down.

It was funny how my bestie had known exactly what I’d needed for my birthday. Little brat. I read over the normal legalese, muttering as I read. “You will not hold anything that happens against the provider, or the persons, aliens, or robots portrayed in the fantasy.”
