Page 44 of Captive Mate

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Then I grimaced, moaning far too loudly. She’d pulled out all the stops, purchasing a new set of everything I’d tossed out and then some, including a nasty-looking six-tailed tawse. I held it up and swallowed hard. “Wow.” Talk about a spanking.

Wait. Wait. Maybe that would prove I’d been taken advantage of. With the leather strap still in my hand, I returned to the dresser reflection device, turning so my butt was toward it and lifting my dress. Hadn’t the beast torn my panties off? He hadn’t. They were intact, positioned just where I’d placed them. And there was no sign I’d been spanked like a bad girl. No red marks. No welts.

“What is wrong with you, girl?”

There was no correct or decent answer.

After tossing the whip onto the top of the box, I headed into the bathroom, yanking off my things. I even brought them to my face, taking a deep whiff. I could swear a very masculine scent remained, lingering in my nostrils. But that meant nothing given the number of males inside the crowded club.


At least I knew fantasies could be delicious. What I wasn’t certain of that bothered me even more was if the attack had occurred. When I’d left, I’d seen nothing. Not a body. Not a single charred relic. Nothing. The other possibility was that I was losing my mind.

“Are you hungry, boy?” I asked as I yanked off my clothes, pulling my nightwear from the linen closet.


“Okay. I’ll indulge myself with some ice cream while I feed you. How about that?” The sound of his tail thumping back and forth was the only answer I needed. Laughing, I pulled on my boy shorts and colorful tee shirt, the cotton material a luxury to sleep in. So soft. So freeing. Tomorrow was going to be a long day at the clinic so I needed a good night of rest.

I padded down the stairs into the kitchen, grabbing his bowl and filling it with kibble. I’d called it that for as long as I could remember. Likely another memory from my mother’s mental images of the long ago past. Maybe I was just like her, preferring to live in a past I knew nothing about, except vicariously through her eyes and stories, aging photographs, and memory books. Earth intrigued me, so much so one day I would find a way to return.

With the pup happily eating, I grabbed a carton of ice cream from the freezer unit, yanking out a spoon. Then I flipped on the telecom system, curious as to what was going on in our little world. I navigated to one of the few systems that still had human reporters, their popularity growing. They were animated, always smiling, usually brightening my day.

“Yum,” I purred after taking the first bite of chocolate mint ice cream. Okay, so this was another luxury as well, costing a full day’s salary, but the creamy goodness was well worth it.

I stood against the counter as Thor chowed down, barely paying any attention to what the reporters were saying. Then something dragged my attention to the screen. There had been an illegal entry. Stiffening, I moved closer to the 3-D system, even moving around it in a full circle. I could tell my pup was studying me like I was nuts. I sucked on my spoon, listening to what they were saying.

The ship had been identified as belonging to Tantian warriors. Fuck me. Maybe the entire night had been real after all. Was that even possible? Why had they arrived in our solar system? They always had a reason, especially since they could easily hunt for food or sexual prey on hundreds of planets that had no sanctions against them.

My legs felt like lead as I returned to the carton of frosty deliciousness, grabbing the small container in my hand. My nerves were on edge, especially since the reporters were reminding everyone on Earth Station Sixty-Nine to report any sightings and to stay away from the dangerous creatures. Then they bantered on about the government, and the reason the creatures had landed in the first place. The Tantians always had a reason to risk entering a sovereign, forbidden territory.

And they usually got what they wanted.

Did that mean they’d wanted me in particular? If so, why? And why were my mother’s strange comments suddenly floating to the forefront of my mind? Without a doubt, I would need to talk to my father in the morning. Maybe he could provide me with answers. After what had happened with the creature, I wasn’t certain what I’d experienced. Would my dad think I was as nuts as I did? No. With the news report, it would seem the Tantian visit had been real.

Think. Think. Think.

Maybe my father could view my memories to see for himself. I hated going through the process, the apparatus stealing my memories, but often it was necessary to get to the truth. At least my father had perfected the system.

“Philipe. Has there been any intergalactic chatter regarding the Tantians?”

“Let me scan the databases for you, Sunny.” The interactive computer system had its mental webs tossed out to various sources that I had no access to. “It would appear there is nothing regarding them other than their sighting in our atmospheres.”

That meant they weren’t on a killing spree, which unnerved me even more. If they had been, the chatter would be significant. Groaning, I glanced at the time and sighed. I couldn’t stand not knowing what was going on. “Philipe. Do you know of a creature with bronze-red skin and bulging muscles with long golden red hair who can intermittently shoot fire and laser beams from their clawed fingertips and eyes?”

I wasn’t certain if I wanted my savior beast to be a viable creature or not. I certainly didn’t find spending the rest of my life drooling in a protected cell attractive in the least, but the alternative terrified me.

He’d come for me. He’d made good on his promise to make me his mate.

“That would be one of the members of the Vektorian race. They are comprised of four different species, some with attributes such as you describe. The God of Fire, God of Ice, God of Water, and God of Wind rule different kingdoms. All were created by a fierce god some consider the first creature, born by the fusion of sun and the stars, wind and water. They are fierce warriors, considered the oldest creatures in the universe, the creators of life as we know it. They are protectors as well as political parliamentarians, supporting peace. But in doing so, they are also enforcers, eradicating anyone who ignores their rules or those who kill others for nothing more than the sake of killing. They are savages, feasting on blood and flesh. But the last part is just a rumor.”

Jesus Christ. The Vektorians in general sounded more like the mafia. Whew. Now I was going out on a limb. Every crime syndicate had been erased. Hadn’t they?

“Philipe. Do mafia organizations still exist?”

“Yes, Sunny, on almost every Earth Station as well as on various planets. It is a euphemism for organized criminal activity. There will always be criminal activity.”

That was fascinating. The dude might be the son of the creator of the universe, but he was nothing more than a glorified big time criminal. Awesome. I’d wanted a bad boy. I’d certainly picked one out.
