Page 45 of Captive Mate

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Shush. This isn’t real.

Wasn’t it?

I wasn’t certain of anything at this point.

Wow. Now that was a glorified advertisement to visit Vektor if I ever heard one.

I searched my memory, barely remembering details about their civilization. I’d learned about thousands, and it would be impossible for anyone to remember more than a small percentage. However, given my study and love of ancient cultures as well as mythology including the fascinating Greek gods and goddesses, I was curious how their species fit into classic history. I rolled my eyes at the thought. As a child, I lived in worlds of fantasy, something my mother and father hadn’t dissuaded given their love of the classics. However, there were scientific truths to the creation of worlds and it had nothing to do with Greek or Vektorian gods.

After taking another bite and licking the spoon, I glanced toward the home communications system. “Philipe. Call my father at his office.” I would continue searching for information on the Vektorian god myself. What would it mean if I had a mafia dude after me? Had my father done something wrong? Did he owe people money? Gambling? Oh, dear God. Please don’t be gambling. I remember stories my mother told me about what mafia kingpins did to people who owed them money. Broke their arms. Raped their wives. They were terrible human beings.

Why else would this dude have interest in me?

I knew that’s exactly where my father would be. The man worked longer hours than anyone I knew.

“You do know it’s late, Sunny,” the system’s animated voice admonished. I’d selected a sexy male voice after I’d moved here. While I often enjoyed the banter we shared, the computer-generated program learning far too much about me, I was cranky and not in the mood.

“And you know my father will be concerned over the arrival of the Tantians.”

The system sighed and I rolled my eyes, pressing my fingers against my lips as Thor whimpered near my feet. He’d often tried to find the source of the sound, confused and frustrated when he couldn’t. What had almost dropped me to my knees one afternoon had been when I’d returned home and Philipe had been cooing with my furry baby, trying to get him to follow commands. Yeah, I preferred humans.

“I’ve done a scan and there are no distinct life sounds or bodily functions coming from the alien beings. I believe a crisis has been avoided.”

While I did appreciate the fact my father had instructed one of his technicians to install both the latest communications and security systems inside the apartment, something only the upper echelon of society could get their hands on, the program’s cognitive abilities and eerie sense of timing, combined with how much of my information it had access to, remained unnerving.

However, I was curious. “Philipe. How did they die?”

It took a few seconds for him to come back to me.

“While I’m uncertain my data is one hundred percent accurate, it would appear they were rendered lifeless by an unknown force. The cause appears to be asphyxiation by method of smoke and fire.”

I couldn’t help but slump against the counter. My beautiful pup noticed my distress and jumped on my legs, whining even though he was wagging his tail.

“Thank you, Philipe. Please contact my father.”

“As you wish.” The connection Philipe made was almost instantaneous.

“Please tell me that you are safe, Sunny,” my father said. I could hear the exhaustion in his voice, his entire demeanor riddled with concern.

“I’m fine. I was curious about the Tantians. I noticed the broadcast. Where did they come from and how did they manage to breach the security system?”

He did something I rarely heard him do, curse. “Damn reporters. They should be shut down. I’m working on how the creatures got through our security systems, but it would appear there was a breach that was masked completely by methods I’ve never seen. As you might imagine, daughter, that’s all I can tell you.” He even wagged his finger, as if the point would be clearer.

“But they were here for a purpose, not just a night out on the town. Right?”

He chuckled. “Tantians don’t share our love of good times, Sunny. You know that. Given they risked additional sanctions that could bankrupt their society, I’d say they were here for a very pointed reason. That’s what my men and women will be working on round the clock.”

“But if they target a specific person, what does that mean?” I tried to ask in such a way that it wouldn’t raise red flags, but I should have known better. My father had a sixth sense about him, the ability uncanny.

“Did something happen that you’re not telling me about? Did you have an interaction with the wretched beings?”

“Oh, no. I’m just curious. They are such hideous creatures.”

His gaze turned stern. “Do not lie to me. Do I need to remind you of how dangerous they are? If you had any kind of interaction, I need to know the details.”

Telling my father the details would lead to him placing me on house arrest for my protection. I couldn’t allow that to happen.

“No, Daddy dearest. You do not. Stop worrying about me. I’m locked tightly away in my tidy little apartment. However, I have one more question. Do you know of the species of alien who wears a firebird on their chest?”
