Page 59 of Captive Mate

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Although it was painfully apparent that she would need to be tamed. Just as I’d suspected. She’d slipped into a few moments of unconsciousness, which was also fascinating.

I was eager to talk with my father, furious that he’d obviously manipulated the entire situation. There had to be a significant reason why, something he’d refused to tell his own sons. It was time to get back to the ship, setting a destination course for Vektor prior to the Tantians learning for certain I’d snagged what appeared to be their current bounty. What did they want with her?

“Where the hell am I?” Sunny struggled in my arms, her eyes opening wide.

I didn’t fight her, instead scanning the area as she pushed her way from my hold. I’d brought the smallest of my container ships into the atmosphere, determined not to bring attention to my identity. While the humans hadn’t detected who I was, it would appear my actions had drawn other unwanted attention.

I’d also overheard the conversation she’d had with her father. Given her questions, it was entirely possible he would begin an investigation into the fact the Tantians had breached their secure space. That would lead him into realizing that he had a Vektorian ship in his vicinity as well. Leaving the area was necessary, even if I longed to talk with her father. It was obvious he knew more about our species than most humans or other aliens did. That could make him extremely dangerous.

Or a useful tool in the future.

“We need to get to my ship, Sunny. We’re running out of time.”

“I thought I made myself clear. I’m not going anywhere with you. To hell with whatever destiny both you and my mother think we share.” She wrapped her hand around Thor’s collar, backing away into the early morning light.

“No can do, princess. Take a look at the sky.”

What continued to surprise me was how tangled our connection had become in such a short period of time. It wasn’t just our physical needs or desires that had embroiled us in a bubble of electric current, but also a strange series of emotions that I still had yet to comprehend. That’s why she’d responded the way she had, finally succumbing to the shock of being told she wouldn’t be allowed to continue with life as she knew it.

I’d managed to get her out of her apartment but had sensed we’d been watched as I made my way to the concourse holding my ship. Now my suspicions had been confirmed.

When I pointed, she stopped short, finally glancing up at the sky. “What am I looking at? Orange dots?”

“You tell me.”

“Oh, shit. Ships. They’re coming closer.” She tipped her head toward me.

“If I had to guess, I’d say the Tantians continue to hold interest in you.”


“That’s what I need to find out. If you want to live, you’re coming with me.”

“Do I have a choice?”

I grabbed her arm, pulling her toward down the concourse walkway. There was far too much red tape on Earth Stations, protocols that were required to be followed. Unfortunately, the Tantians had no intention of doing so. “Your father controls the military on this Earth Station?”

“Yes. Why?”

“Then he should be aware of their arrival.”

“Absolutely. What are you getting at?”

I headed straight for my ship, waving my hand and disengaging the forcefield. “We need to ensure that my ship won’t be caught in the crossfire.”

“What do you mean crossfire?”

“You know who I am, little human. So does the commander of the Tantian ships. They would very much love to add me as one of the casualties while claiming you. They also won’t care who they kill in the process. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“The Earth Station is in danger.”

“Yes.” I opened the door, glancing back at the sky. There was no doubt they would locate my ship given the forcefield was down. “Get in. The dog isn’t coming.”

“Like hell I will.” She jerked out of my hold, almost tripping given the force she used. “Where I go, Thor goes. And I need my animals from the clinic.”

She had no understanding of what we were facing. When I lifted my hand to try to grab her, Thor finally growled, baring his teeth. Her look of satisfaction that her pup finally made a stand was irritating.

“Hear me, little human. The pup can accompany you, but we don’t have time to get the other animals you mentioned. As I said…” I didn’t bother finishing the sentence.
