Page 60 of Captive Mate

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“Yeah. Yeah. I hear you. You’re a badass warrior and the only creature in the solar system who can keep me alive.”

I glanced at the sky then back to her, pointing to the interior of my ship.

“Come on, Thor. It seems we have no other choice.” Sunny waited until her pup jumped in, giving me a dirty look before doing so herself. I could already tell that the little human was going to keep my anger close to the surface. “My father will hunt you down.”

“If he does, I will be forced to react.”

“My God. You mean by killing him. Don’t you?”

“If necessary. I do not think you want that to happen.”

“You’re a monster.” Her voice was filled with hatred.

“Yes, I am.”

I didn’t waste any time, crawling in and closing the door, immediately placing my hand on the console for the engine. As it whirred into life, she inspected the small bridge of my ship, her expression indicating she was scrutinizing it.

“Sit down. This will be a bumpy ride.”

She glared at me then thumped down into the seat beside me, trying to find the harness unit.

As the engine prepared itself, I rose from my seat, yanking the straps from beside her, pressing them over her body.

She held out her arms, her breathing shallow not from the fainting spell she’d had before but from the continuing desire that roared through both of us. Our attraction was significantly higher than before, the electricity we were both experiencing and the chemical reaction fascinating.

But not something I could think about until we were safely stowed away on the ship.

When she was harnessed in, I did the same, immediately sending a request to the ancient tower the Earth Station used for lift-off.

“How close are the Tantians?” she asked when I pulled away from the docking station.

“Too close. They’ve broken through your fourth atmosphere.”

“On the third, they’ll encounter resistance.”

“Meaning what?”

She threw me a look that clearly stated she didn’t trust me completely. “Meaning they’ll be advised they’re not welcome.”

“That obviously didn’t matter before. It would also appear they managed to bypass your systems. While they have a cloaking device, I thought your station had the finest equipment.” I maneuvered toward the area I required to leave the atmosphere, growing more concerned by the second of our possible discovery.

“A little-known fact that we don’t advertise. The systems have been down for almost two of our Earth months. To you that’s a blip of time but for an Earth Station of this size, it’s a significant issue for my father. The funding is almost nonexistent.”

That was more than just a significant issue. That warranted a possible death sentence. At the same time I noticed the code was given to exit the planet, I also realized the Tantian ships had locked onto mine, attempting to use a gravitational ray prior to my shields being fully operational. When the ship jerked, Thor barked once.

“What is it?” she asked.

“We’ve been found, princess. Things are about to get very difficult.” I banked hard to the right, using a battle maneuver that I knew would draw not only the Tantians’ attention but those of the earthlings assigned to the tower.

“You’re trying to evade them.”

She made the statement with certainty, which was exactly what I was attempting to do. “A highly intelligent human.”

“Don’t patronize me.”

There were five ships, two of them cloaked before. Hissing, I took a hard pull to the left, rolling under the radar and over one of the Earth cities. “I assure you I’m not trying to patronize you. I’m trying to keep us alive. Until we’re in my starship’s beam, we won’t be completely protected.”

“I’m surprised a king such as yourself would not have an escort.”
