Page 6 of Captive Mate

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Well, duh. They weren’t real people or creatures. And who would want to have a sexual fantasy fulfilled with a freaking robot? Yucky.

“Same species or different?” I thought about the question for longer than I should. If I was going all out on a limb, then why not mix it up? I’d never been with an alien, although I’d had a few offers. Hmmm…

Alien. “Big, bad alien. By the way, droid. I want the god of all beasts.” I snickered at the thought. There was no such thing but why not test artificial intelligence out fully?

Why not enter into lala-land. Again?

Shut up, little voice.

I shifted to another page on the screen, the questions a little more benign.

Appropriate clothing? Yep. I’d selected comfortable and what my mother called slouchy. Since I wanted an adventure, arriving in a clingy dress and heels wouldn’t have worked. Pretend or not, I didn’t want to fall on my butt during the middle of it.

A dream or a possible taste of the future?

“Press select,” I said out loud although to myself. I had to make a choice. I wasn’t certain how a complex series of machines could possibly have a peek into the future but what the heck? I was a risk taker. Right?

The future was mine for the making, mine for the taking. That’s what my mother had taught me. Why not find out what the gods had in store for me?

Giggling, I pressed the appropriate button then stepped inside the capsule, placing the gaming command goggles across my eyes before lying down on the cushioned bench.

“Are you ready for the experience of your lifetime?” the droid voice asked in a far too sensual tone. Did it think changing the pitch would put me in the mood?

“Sure thing. Just one question. The possible future is really just a guestimate based on my answers. Right?”

“Karma is fickle and has already preselected your life.”

That was an answer.

“Okie-dokie.” I tried to relax, but I had a strange feeling pooling in the pit of my stomach. What if my future was provided letter for letter and I hated it? What then?

Stop. Just enjoy.

I remained fully clothed, as per my request given the choice of fantasies I’d selected. I certainly didn’t want to be caught dead completely naked in some strange setting when I’d requested rough and tumble style. Almost as soon as I closed my eyes, I gathered a sense of being pulled into a vacuum. I still couldn’t believe I’d shoved the coupon into the back of my drawer, only finding it when I was rummaging for my second vibrator.

I’d decided to treat myself after a particularly grueling week, longing to get away from the stress of everyday life. And live a little. What girl didn’t want her ultimate fantasy fulfilled? After answering the volume of questions, what karma had mind for me would start in mere seconds.

And I couldn’t be more excited, every inch of skin tingling.

And terrified.

The android whispered softly in the timbre of voice I’d chosen.

“Breathe deeply, Sunny. Allow yourself to feel the freedom of floating. Enjoy the ride.”

“Thank you,” I said automatically and shifted on the table, making myself more comfortable. Then I took several deep breaths as lights flashed in my periphery of vision, shapes beginning to form. And I’d never felt so free in my life.


The horrible sound threw me. I jerked up, scanning the room. Wait. I was no longer in the laboratory setting. Now I was in a dark place, the only lighting torches of some kind lining the walls. Only they weren’t walls. They reminded me of being inside a damp cavern. The kind I’d never seen before. The surface appeared craggy.

And dear God, it was hot as Hades. I eased off the platform I was on, glancing down at my attire. I was dressed in what I’d arrived in, my veterinary scrubs and my favorite pair of Converse sneakers. Okay, they were my only pair, a relic from a way distant past, a gift from my mother. At least they were in my favorite color of shocking red.

I’d been lulled into an almost slumber, waking up to this. I wanted a dark fantasy, an adventure but where in God’s name was I? I shifted forward, trying to figure a way out. Then I noticed what appeared to be a tunnel leading into the darkest shadows I’d ever seen. I glanced around me, uncertain where I’d heard the horrific bellow.

There was nothing I could do but move forward and hope I’d run into the person who was supposed to seduce me. I took several steps, trying to figure out why my mind would select such a bleak setting.

I mean I hadn’t wanted a dance club or a fake ocean/beach scenario, but a dark, damp cave? This was the droid’s idea of a thrilling situation? I could see the robot had a sense of humor. Sadly, the droid had to grab the fantasy from my mind. Had I really been thinking this way? I guess it was possible. At this point, anything was. Maybe it was because I’d been working so many long hours. I continued forward, determined to make the best of this.
