Page 63 of Captive Mate

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Additional questions were raised.

Who were they working for? More important, who’d betrayed my people?




The word had slipped from the little human’s mouth more than once, her voice becoming more agitated. She was truly becoming one of the most fascinating creatures I’d ever encountered.

She was also the most irritating.

“I don’t want to be here. I told you that before,” Sunny growled at me. “I need proof of what you’re telling me. I can’t be your mate. And abducting me against my will? I know the intergalactic parliament would have an issue with this, god or no god. My father is an important man. Did you know that? Besides, I have a degree in veterinary medicine. Remember? We are not compatible. Very few aliens are with humanoid bodies. That’s just a fact every alien creature with any level of intelligence knows. God, I’m babbling again. I loathe being nervous. No, I hate some big bad alien acting as if he has any right to kidnap me.”

“My power exceeds that of the parliament. They have no jurisdiction over the Vektorian race.”

“Of course they don’t. Go figure. I couldn’t be kidnapped by an ordinary alien species. It had to be some god in a perfect body.”

She was as infuriating as she was beautiful.

She was also in heightened danger. I was certain of it.

I kept my hand pressed against the small of her back as I led her from the battered pod into the main corridor, her dog dutifully following.

Every soldier saluted, all confused as to why I had a human in tow. She managed to keep up with me as we entered the decontamination room. “Stand there.” My command seemed to shake her.

“Why?” she confronted.

“Because you’re being decontaminated.”

Sunny shook her head. “Another reason not to be here. Trust me. I don’t want your germs. I don’t want you.”

“Your body betrays you.”

“Fuck you!”

Her voice had risen enough so that others in the corridor were staring at us. Any other creature who challenged me would face my wrath, but I could easily break her, and I had no intention of doing so.

“You don’t have a choice, little human. You’ll be killed if you return or worse. I don’t think you need to hear the stories of what the Tantians do to the females they capture, but it starts with allowing hundreds of their creatures to engage in carnal activities prior to being sold to the highest bidder. And I assure you those bidders are the worst of the creatures you’ve come into contact with. I’m the only hope of keeping you alive.”

While she trembled slightly, her defiance remained, something I would need to break. “Why? Because you’re a big, bad god beast?”

“Because contrary to what you believe, I do not want you to die.”

“Because I’m your prisoner.”

Every Vektorian in the room quickly glanced in my direction, trying to contain their surprise that I was accepting the human female’s behavior. If the beautiful woman wasn’t careful, I’d need to make an example of her, providing punishment that she wouldn’t forget anytime soon.

I grabbed her arm, pulling her against me. “Your father is an important man within the intergalactic realm.”

“Your point?” Sunny hissed. “He will send people to bring me back. I assure you of that.”

“Your father learned a long time ago that politics plays a role in every environment. My guess is that he trained you in various techniques. I suggest you remember what he taught you. It is also likely that he made an alliance with my father. And if he attempts to board this ship, his fate could possibly lie in your hands.” I gave her a stern look.

“That sounds suspiciously like a threat. It also sounds like blackmail. What kind of alliance? You’re out of your mind.” As soon as she spouted off the words, I sensed she was just as concerned by what had occurred as I was.

“I will find out, little human. All in good time. First we get this ship to safety.”
