Page 64 of Captive Mate

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“Maybe I’d prefer taking my chances with the Tantian beasts.”

“Call it what you will, little human. It is a promise of punishment if and when necessary. Up until this point I have been lenient with you. If you continue with your behavior, you will soon learn that our discipline system is quite harsh in comparison to other alien races. And yes, if you want to keep your family safe, you will come with me willingly. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”

She lifted her head, studying me intently. “Yes, I believe I do. That I should revere the ground you walk on. I’m not that kind of woman. Plus, you underestimate my father’s power.”

Perhaps that was the case. I would need to put a plan of action together in case there was a human challenge. The last thing I wanted was to start a war on her planet, but I had a feeling that my return to Vektor needed to be handled expeditiously.

“You are even more rebellious than I believed. You will be uncontaminated. Then you will be contained.” I eased her into the chamber, moving beside her.

“Which translates to I’ll be held your prisoner for the rest of my life. For the record? I want no part of your world. And you imprisoned me. The blackmail is just icing on the cake.”

After issuing a harsh growl, I nodded toward the technician, the system providing a cooling mist. Within Earth seconds, the tech nodded, releasing the chamber door.

Fortunately, there was nothing to be concerned about, at least with my mate. Her system hadn’t been attacked with a Tantian protective layer, which allowed them to handle the unruliest abductees.

“Come with me.” I waited as she scanned the area, obviously enjoying a moment’s celebration of being right.

I’d stormed onto the ship with purpose in mind, told that another fleet of Tantians were headed toward the Earth Station. It was something I’d yet to disclose to her. She would fight me to try to return or strike against them. The ships we’d eradicated had been sentries, their commander sending them on a suicide mission to try to capture the human as well as killing as many Vektorians as possible, including the God of Fire. The move had been bold as well as stupid, which meant they were desperate. The why was one of the first things I needed to determine.

This time they weren’t bothering to disguise themselves, heading in a battle-ready trajectory. Given our ships had been provided with access to the outer atmosphere surrounding Earth Station Sixty-Nine, the creatures responsible for the two attacks had been well aware of our presence from the beginning. The commanders had undoubtedly checked the docket of every ship in the various ports, which meant they were also aware we were battle ready as well.

What hadn’t been disclosed was the identity of one of the passengers on the Vektorian ship. Keeping my presence hidden had been vital for the entire quest, all but eliminating potential threats.

However, something told me my disruption of their attempt at abducting the human had sent an alarm that my presence was possible. If that was the case, they’d arm their warheads at any time. Damn it. I shouldn’t have allowed my fury to get the better of me.

“What are you doing with me?” Sunny asked as one of my other lieutenants approached, a look of chagrin on his face.

“You’re going to remain in my quarters until I handle aspects of business.” I gave Lieutenant Manta a harsh glare, which said without words to remain silent at this point.

“Then what?” she asked, stopping in the middle of the corridor. She scanned the various soldiers and other workers, the shimmer in her eyes reflecting concern.

I wasn’t considered a warm, accommodating male by anyone, including the females I’d enjoyed over the years. However, there was something about the little human that pulled at an entirely different level of emotions, even if I was unused to being challenged by anyone. I moved closer, towering over her smaller body. “Then we have what you call a discussion about your role.”

“My role. I have a family on the Earth Station, a mother and father that love me and while they’re annoying, I don’t want to lose them. Since you can read my mind, you already know I’ll stop at nothing to protect them. I have a job, a career. A sister. I know you don’t care but it’s important to me. They’re important to me. I already told you this and it just doesn’t matter. I guess I need to get used to the term prisoner. Isn’t that what mafia men did from the past?” She backed away, turning and heading down the corridor, my soldiers trailing behind her at my unspoken command. I could see her getting into trouble easily.

The feisty female was trying to comprehend what was happening to her. I could only imagine how challenging that must be. However, her insolence was becoming a serious issue. The last thing I needed was to appear weak, especially given my father’s condition.

“Whew. It would seem you have your hands full,” Lieutenant Manta said quietly as he flanked my side. “Humans are not what I expected. Mafia. Interesting terminology. She is… fascinating.”

“Yes, she is, but difficult as well. We will need to ascertain whether the humans are aware she’s missing. Make no mistake, Zican, she is… special.” He was right in that humans were entirely different than the limited stories I’d heard from my father. My thoughts drifted to the experience from two Earth years before. I still couldn’t get past the suspicion my father had lured me to Earth in his own way. The man was a clever beast, truly pitting Ravat against me. Testing our resolve. The fantasy had been a test as well, allowing him to see if we were compatible. I’d ignored all the signs.

Manta laughed. “I’m surprised to hear you say that.”

Snarling, I threw him a glaring look. “Destiny seems to be out of my hands.”

“And in your father’s. I have no doubt that irritates you. Incidentally, the search transport unit took some serious damage.”

“I’m aware.” I kept my little human in sight, keeping a distance behind her. He knew my mood swings better than most. My father could get under my skin quicker than anyone ever had, which usually meant I went off the rails, burning plant life and buildings to a crisp.

“Any reason for the attack? Your identity was purposely contained.” He kept pace with me as I moved from one section of the ship to the other. We’d grown up together, his father serving as one of two advisors to mine. That meant the two families had grown up in wealth and posh surroundings while others within our boundaries lived by modest means. He’d been provided with the finest education and weapons training, opportunities usually only allowed to royalty.

“The woman is the reason for the attack. I’m certain of it.”

“Why? That doesn’t make any sense.”

“No, it doesn’t. She has suddenly become as important to the Tantians as she is to me.” I would keep my theories to myself for now. Spouting off about a possible traitor wasn’t in anyone’s best interest.

“But if you don’t mate with her, their worlds could be destroyed.”
