Page 66 of Captive Mate

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“Yes, Commander,” Zican said then rubbed his neck. We walked together in silence for a short duration. “What do you want me to do with the female?”

“For now, keep her out of harm’s way.” The last thing I wanted was to face a battle, but I doubted the situation could be avoided. I held her close, paying attention to her labored breathing. She was drained from the experience, my actions stealing a portion of her energy. She would recover, although she’d remain weak for at least a full day. “She needs rest. Everything else will be handled later.” As Thor meandered back to me, Sunny shot me another hateful look over her shoulder. Truth be told, I preferred her spunk to other females that bowed to my omnipotent presence once they learned my identity. To this human, I was nothing special.

“And this… creature?”

I glanced down at Thor and sighed. “Have him checked out by our medical personnel. Then return him to the human when you are finished. He is her pet. We don’t want anything contagious brought to our animals, but this creature is important to her.”

“An interesting beast. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it.”

Exhaling, I couldn’t help but stroke the pup’s head. He and I had developed a strange bond, which had allowed Sunny to trust me to a small degree. His companionship would be important for her welfare. “He is very interesting. I find his companionship favorable as well.”

“And he likes you. Rare indeed,” he teased, which was something he’d been allowed to do over the years, another rarity in my world.

“Be careful, Zican. I could have you exiled for your words alone.”

“You could but you won’t.”

He was right of course. “Just ensure she is kept on lockdown. She’s very clever.”

“It will be fascinating to get to know her. I’ve always craved to meet a human. Are they tasty?”

My cock twitched at the thought of the hard fucking from before. “She tastes like our sweet tunga fruit.” A rare delicacy in our world. I was surprised I was even sharing that with him.

“I should have gone with you and found a creature of my own,” he growled, which made me smile. “Is she really the one, the reason for this excursion?”

As I rounded the corner to my quarters, I glanced at her pale face and pensive expression. “It would appear she is.”

“Fascinating but not a moment too soon. Our time is almost up. What about the Tantians? Do I prepare for battle?” The little human appeared even more rebellious as she was paraded in front of the oversized soldiers on my ship, snarling at them when they got too close. The thought of returning home to Vektor with a girl called Sunny brought along a series of issues, but I’d been sent on a quest, one where only two of my closest soldiers were aware of the true reason for our elongated trip. We’d carried out diplomatic duties as required by my father in addition to the real reason for the quest, Zican being one of my men who’d been told the truth.

“For now, we keep close watch. If there’s any sign of trouble, I am to be notified immediately.”

“Yes, sire.”

I’d met with several heads of state, had signed six treaties, had been photographed thousands of times, and had provided several interviews on eight different planets. It was all within the keeping the peace effort my father had started two hundred years before. I’d mistakenly believed humans didn’t believe in our existence, at least not entirely. It would appear her father, along with other human heads of state had made a concentrated effort to keep our existence as secretive as possible. Why? Was this a personal reason? There were too many questions with no answers in sight. No one could know of the dire condition my father was in or that two of his four sons were required to find their mates.

It was ridiculous to keep the secret from our people, but there was enough power on our planet to cause the kind of disruption to lives within several solar systems. There were also gifts that could be bestowed by my father, significant sources of power for planets in need that could also enhance their regimes. I couldn’t see her father as needing either.

What I hadn’t expected was for my beautiful little human to become a battle savvy second in command when leaving the Earth Station heading for the ship. Her knowledge of the outer rings of the planet as well as the active black holes had likely kept us alive. It was possible her different level of expertise would continue being an asset.

But only if I could find a way to control her.

I glanced at the security pad, waiting as I was identified, the door opening. She remained by the open door, peering inside as if expecting cages instead of comfortable surroundings. I nodded for her to go in, following closely behind. Without acknowledging the lieutenant, she moved toward the thick oversized window, staring out at the Earth Station in the distance. “We will do what’s necessary,” I told him, keeping my voice low.

“Do you want me to have the missiles armed given the strong possibility they will attack?” He dropped his voice as well.

“Not yet. It’s possible given the improvements made by the Tantians they will be alerted. The last thing I want to see happen is a war on earthling soil.”

“Yes, Commander. As you wish. I will have one of the men attend to your… human.”

I stopped short, turning to face him. “Zican. Ensure she is well provided for. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sire. Absolutely. I’ll have someone attend to her needs.” His eyes were sparkling in happiness not only for me personally but also for our entire species.

Plus, he knew better than most that making me angry wasn’t in his best interest.

Zican backed away, but not before giving her another look. I waited until the door was closed before heading to Zaz’s quarters. My dragon had his own space, especially when I was on a mission. As soon as the door was opened, he bounded out to see me.

Thor immediately growled, Zaz imitating him. Then my pet bounced toward Thor, acting playful.
