Page 65 of Captive Mate

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“Yes, I’m painfully aware. There is another reason they want her.”

The sound of my heavy footsteps echoed in the dense space, everyone in the corridor moving to the side to allow us to pass. I’d brought the equivalent of several small cities with me, male and females serving in various important capacities, their families along for the extended trip. I was in charge of their care. Suddenly, I had a feeling they would soon be threatened.

“Fascinating. I wonder who she truly is. That will make the return trip dangerous if they’re aware she’s on the ship, which I fully suspect they do given their attack. And you have no understanding of why they would want her? She is fascinating to look at, but their tastes are usually more eclectic. Although she could fetch a hefty price if she’s a virgin. Completely untouched.”

I had to laugh. “She’s not a virgin.” No, the dream had very much been real. I’d taken her virtue on that night. The how no longer mattered. What did was simply that I’d marked her then as mine, waiting for the right time. Or my father had waited on purpose, enjoying his twilight years of service. The manipulative bastard.

“Fascinating, our soon to be king. You’ve already tasted her. Maybe that’s why the Tantians are after her.”

“Not possible. However, I tasted her years before.”

“Oh,” he said quietly. “She was the one you mentioned.”

I’d told him about the experience over drinks on another mission. We’d laughed about it at the time.

“Yes. Enjoyable then and I dare say more so now. I do not know the Tantians’ mindset, Zican, which disturbs me greatly.” I’d had some time to research the human’s family, including her father whom I’d sensed was a human male of importance, especially given the communication she’d acted on during my visit. As a commander of the Earth Station, his political position could present a problem, but that wasn’t the sole reason for the Tantians’ reactions. However, I had a feeling I’d need to speak with him. If he’d made a deal with my father, perhaps he’d have an insight as to who could possibly be vying to destroy my entire family. The list was far too long.

Still. There was something I wasn’t aware of, which made the situation that much more dangerous.

“I’m surprised, Commander.” Zican was obviously concerned.

I threw him a look. “Don’t be. This entire situation confounds me. What I do know is that the Tantians are on a collision course for destruction. Our destruction. That is not going to happen.”

“Everything is in place for entering into light space as soon as you give the command. I for one will be glad to enter another galaxy. What about your brother? Have you heard from him?”

“Not lately,” I told him, which had also raised the scales on the back of my neck. “I won’t allow this Earth Station to be reduced to cinders. We are also protectors. Remember?”

His sigh was one of confusion. “Yes, sire. However, your loyalty should be to our people first.”

I turned swiftly, surprising myself when my claw extended seconds before I wrapped my fingers around his throat, slamming him against the wall.

The sound was enough to draw Sunny’s attention as well as every Vektorian in the corridor. I could feel the heat of her glare as much as that of Zican’s. While used to my outbursts, this time he’d been caught off guard. I lowered my head, using our normal method of communication, refusing to allow her to overhear my harsh words.

The little human already hated me as it was.

Do not attempt to challenge me again, Lieutenant. You will not enjoy my next response. Do you understand me?

He appeared shaken, his entire body tense in anticipation of how far I’d go. I hadn’t realized I’d dug my sharp nails into his neck until his fluid of life began to leak. I released some of the pressure, disgusted with myself. I’d been on edge almost the entire duration of the excursion, refusing to either accept or believe what had been communicated to me by my father.

While my second in command didn’t fight me, I sensed that’s exactly what he wanted to do.

“What is wrong with you?” Sunny asked from directly behind me.

“It does not concern you, little human.”

“You’re a bully. Aren’t you?”

I threw my head over my shoulder. “And you’re completely undisciplined, like most humans.”

“You have no clue about humans, bad beast. But I sense you won’t take the time to learn. Just like your father.” Crossing her arms, she turned around, huffing under her breath.

The sudden look of amusement in Zican’s eyes forced a slight chuckle as I let him go. “We need to play this carefully. However, I refuse to allow the Earth Station to be eliminated based on my actions. Ensure that doesn’t happen.”

Thor whined behind me, pressing his face against my leg as he’d done so many times before.

“Thor. Do not get close to him. He’s a bad man, and we’re not staying long enough for my mind to be changed,” Sunny called. The dog’s tail whapped back and forth, his whine continuing until she called him again. Then the pup growled at me for the first time. She walked even further ahead, never once glancing back in my direction.

So much for my charming personality.
