Page 80 of Captive Mate

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“I do not know, but I have a feeling the traitor is continuing his personal quest.” I laughed bitterly, sensing the little human’s distress. What the hell were we still doing docked? I moved toward one of the consoles. “Lieutenant Pakar, what is the status of our departure?”

“Sir, we may have a problem,” he answered.

“What is it?”

“The ship has been sabotaged. I need some time for the engineer to make repairs.” His face was twisted, full of discord.

What the fuck? “Get it repaired. We’re sitting ducks where we are.” Just like my brother had been. My assumptions had been correct.

“I know, sir. I’m trying,” my lieutenant stated.

“All hands on deck. Send out a beacon to our people.”

“Will do, Commander.”

A sudden, sharp pain entered my system, so much so I doubled over. Then I was certain I heard her voice asking me for help. What had I done?

“What the fuck is going on, brother?” Ravat demanded.

“I’m under attack. I’ll plug in my coordinates. I need your assistance, brother. Something is very wrong.”

“I’m on my way. Are you ill?”

“No, but I need to protect my mate.”

“I always knew you’d find the right one, brother. Go be with her. I’ll continue investigating who might be behind the insurgency.”

“Good enough, brother.”

With the communication ended, I backed up, bursting through the door. The pain was even more, almost blinding. I stumbled through the crowded corridor, yanking out my personal communications device. “Lieutenant Manta. Head to my quarters, stat.” I was forced to press against the hull, gasping for breath. It felt as if I’d been drugged. When he didn’t answer, I snarled into the device. “Zican. Where the fuck are you?”

The alarm sounded, which would bring everyone out into the corridors. I had to be prepared for battle.

The silence was horrifying. What if something had happened to my second in command and my friend? I continued stumbling from one corridor to another, finally reaching the level where my quarters were located. When I made it inside, I noticed Zaz on the floor, his breathing irregular. I rushed forward, dropping to my knees and lifting his head. “What happened?”

He finally opened his eyes, pain in both of them.She was taken.

Just answering me took a toll on his body.

“By whom?” I asked out loud as I scanned the room, trying to figure out what had happened. I could tell there’d been a struggle. Then I noticed the food on a platter.

Your… lieutenant.

That meant I’d been right about Grazine. The pain coursing through me no longer only had to do with the psychic energy I’d obviously felt from my little human’s cry. It was also based on the treachery of believing in someone and being blindsided by them.

I eased my pet’s head to the floor, trying to connect with her. Then I moved toward the fruit, taking one of the pieces. Poisoned.You’ll be okay, Zaz. Just rest. I will send a medic when I can.

Find her. I like… her.

“Yeah, my little pet. Me too. Where is the dog?”

He lifted his head, his eyes starting to glaze over.Never came back.

Fuck. This was ridiculous.

“I’ll handle it. Just rest.”

I stormed toward the corridor, making my way toward Grazine’s quarters. When I rounded the corner, I noticed him leaving his room. Without hesitation, I grabbed him around the throat, shoving him against the wall. Then I yanked my weapon from the holster, planting it under his chin.
