Page 81 of Captive Mate

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“I have no problem ending your life if you do not tell me where she is.”

“What are you talking about?” Grazine threw up his arms, confusion in his eyes.

“You’re lucky I don’t end your life right now. My mate. You’ve taken her. You poisoned her.”

“No, I did not. Are you crazy? I would never do that.”

Vektorians hurried on their way to their stations, panic in the air.

“You’re lying to me. I will cut out every major organ until you tell me. I assure you that your death will be painful and the duration as long as it takes for a moonbeam path to cross our world. Do you understand me?”

“I’m not betraying you, Zatan. I’m your friend whether you want to believe it or not.”

I let him down, taking a step back. Then I issued a brutal swing, hitting him in the face with the weapon. This time, he refused to accept my punishment, throwing several brutal punches.

Several of my people gasped, giving us a wide berth as they scurried on their way. They knew my temper. They also knew what I was capable of and wanted no part of my wrath. He managed to pitch me to the corridor floor, the thud jarring, both the weapon and my communications system knocked out of my hand. As we wrestled, we both got in several punches, our combined anger likely to start a fire.

As soon as he pitched me backward into the corridor wall, I jerked to my feet, throwing out my hands. Fire erupted from my fingertips. He barely had time to jump out of the way. Then he threw a bolt of lightning in my direction, searing one of the metal girders.

“I didn’t betray you!” he insisted, his voice deeper than normal, his entire body shaking from rage.

“Then who the fuck did?”

“Let me help you find out. You need someone you can trust.”

Trust. Perhaps the little human was also right about daring to trust anyone at this point.

I thought about his offer, taking a deep breath. Then I threw another line of flames, this time catching him on the side. Hissing, he dropped and rolled.

Then the entire ship started to shake, enough I was almost dumped on the floor.

“What the fuck?” I snarled, immediately reaching for my fallen communications device.


The explosion was loud, debris flying immediately. Both Grazine and I were tossed to the floor, hitting the metal walls with brutal thuds.

“The Tantians,” he snarled.

I moved past him and to his quarters, moving inside.

“She’s not here. I have not seen her,” he assured me.

After ensuring he wasn’t lying, I turned around to face him, getting in his face. “If you fuck with me, Grazine, or if I find out you’re lying, I will tear you limb from limb. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Commander. I am on the same side.” His eyes reflected the truth. If that was the case, then what the hell was going on?

That remained to be seen but if he had her, I would discover it. He trailed behind me as we headed for the bridge, the stench of fire and smoke getting worse. When we were on the correct level, Lieutenant Pakar rushed into the corridor, bending over and coughing from the smoke.

“What the hell happened?” I demanded as I stormed toward him.

“Commander Soltar,” Lieutenant Pakar choked out. The smoke was thick and acrid, filling the space.

“What the fuck is going on? Talk to me.”

“The transport unit has left without permission. There was an explosive device. I tried to stop it. It was nothing but a diversion. The fire is out. Only a few minor injuries. The Vektorian responsible knew exactly what they were doing.”

“Who did this?” Grazine asked. “Do you have any idea?”
