Page 83 of Captive Mate

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I didn’t waste any time, smashing the box against the side of his head. I’d shocked him and myself, given his body was pitched to the side. Then I lunged forward, issuing three punches in a row. When it appeared that he’d been knocked out cold, I glanced at the same mission control system I’d been allowed to touch when helping Zatan before.

You can do this. You must do this.

I calmed my breathing for a few seconds. Then I started pressing buttons, trying to find a communications device. When I was certain I’d found it, I started whispering hoarsely.

“Mayday. Mayday. This is Sunny Fields. I’m being taken by a Vektorian warrior to God knows where.”

The roar was intense, the rush of adrenaline not enough before I was tossed over the alien’s shoulder, the beast taking long strides through off the small bridge to parts unknown.

I struggled in his arms, pummeling his back, but it was of no use. “Get off me!”

He moved into another room. I had no idea what he was doing. Then he tossed me into something.

“Yes, you will fetch a hefty bounty. You’re a fighter.”

“And you’re his friend. Why did you betray Zatan?”

I’d been shoved into a cage. An old-fashioned steel cage. What the hell?

I managed to wrap my hands around the bars, rattling them to try to get his attention.

“Lieutenant Manta. Zatan spoke highly of you. He thought of you as a friend.” I wanted to keep him talking, enough to try to give time in order for someone to find me. Damn it.

He stiffened then turned around, fisting his hands and fire in his eyes. I’d seen the look before. The bastard was ready to lose control. If he did, there was a distinct possibility that the entire transport ship would be blown to bits. It was a chance I was willing to take.

“Huh? What’s wrong, you alien reptile? Cat got your tongue? He cared about you.”

He flexed his muscles, obviously trying to control not only his breathing but his heightened level of rage. Then he dropped to his knees directly in front of the cage, lifting it off the floor and slamming it down.

I screamed, scuttling as far backward as the cage would allow, gasping for air. The freak wanted me terrified. It had worked. He didn’t care about his people or the alien who’d been his friend. There was no loyalty, only a need for revenge.

“You stupid little human. You have no understanding of our people or our ways. There is nothing but rules to follow, harsh punishment when we don’t. There are prisons and extermination drills. There’s no chance for improvement, no escape from the wretched tyranny. There’s only pain and suffering. We aren’t allowed to choose who we mate with or indulge in our greatest fantasies. Unless, of course, you’re royalty.” He laughed bitterly, the flashes of light in his eyes indicating sadness. His entire body shook, his skin alternating in various colors of bronze and red.

And for a few moments, I felt his despair. What in God’s name was Zatan planning on doing to and with his people?

“I’m sorry.” My whisper was hoarse.

He stared at me, studying my eyes for a few seconds. Then he laughed. “Zatan isn’t who you think he is. He is not your savior.”

I took a deep breath, holding it, watching the beast intently as he stood. Then he backed away, turning abruptly.

When he stopped short, I was certain he would inflict his anger on me just to satisfy his need to destroy his friend.

“There must be more of a reason. Zatan isn’t like his father.” I needed more information. I had to know the truth.

He snorted then dropped his head. “You’ll need to ask him. If you try and attack me again, you will be punished. And I assure you, then I’ll find the worst creatures in the universe to purchase you.”

“Why hurt me?”

“Because you care about the man I hate.”

With that, he walked out, his heavy boots echoing on the corridor floor.

I remained almost paralyzed, pressing my hand across my mouth, trying to blink away the tears. Whatever the lieutenant had suffered was horrific, but I doubted Zatan was to blame. I’d seen the goodness in the man, the need to save my life an indication of who and what he was. Perhaps he didn’t know what his people had endured. Perhaps he needed to learn.

And perhaps I was out of my freaking mind and the Vektorians were nothing but savages, brutal barbarians who ate their young. Whatever the case, I refused to be sold off like a piece of meat. That meant I needed a plan. I sucked up every emotion but anger, wiping away what would be the last of my tears.

Then I looked around at my surroundings. I’d been dumped cage and all into what appeared to be a storage unit. If I was right about being on the same transport ship, I knew there were at least two levels, several locations throughout. I’d seen them when I was being escorted by Zatan after being captured.
