Page 82 of Captive Mate

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“None, but the moment of sabotage was planned carefully. It was someone who had secure access.”

That left a handful of Vektorians who worked for me. “And the ship?” I asked.

“Damaged but repairable.”

“Track the transport unit. I want it pulled back immediately.”

“I can’t do it, Commander,” Pakar said, continuing to suffer from the effects of the smoke. “I tried, but the tracking beam was the first thing that was disabled. The cloaking system has been initiated. They’ve disappeared.”


“We’ll never find them,” Grazine said through clenched teeth.

“Like hell we won’t. I’ll scour the goddamn universe,” I snapped. “The Tantians?” Even as I pressed him for additional information, I was beginning to understand what had happened.

“There’s been no movement, but I grabbed a communication to them from somewhere on the ship. I’ll track it as soon as I can.”

“Get back to work,” I told him.

“Yes, Commander. I’ll let you know as soon as it’s fully functional.”

I closed my eyes, no longer feeling the same sharp pain I had before. That meant Sunny was either dead or unconscious. Either way, the fucker responsible would pay. The Tantians had been hired by someone from my own species. My God, the mutiny had gone undetected. How could we have been so… arrogant? A rush of thoughts ravaged my mind.

There was only one person with security who had the expertise to handle the kind of explosion that had occurred.

The only question was why would Zican betray me?

“Get on the bridge, Grazine. I need your help. We must find her.” I turned toward him and we locked eyes. I offered him my trust. But if he fucked with me, I would kill him.

“Yes, sir. You have my word I will do what is necessary right by your side.”




Mind-numbing, blinding anguish tore through me as soon as I opened my eyes. My mouth felt like the Sahara Desert, my throat almost closed. I clenched my eyelids shut, listening for any sounds. Then I realized the low rumble was something I’d heard before.

The transport ship that had brought me to Zatan’s battleship. I opened my eyes a second time, wincing before I realized the bastard who’d taken me was only a few feet away. I shifted without making any noise, never allowing my eyes to leave the asshole. He was far too busy maneuvering out of the various security systems that had been installed the moment my father had arrived on the godforsaken Earth Station.

He’d done nothing more than dump me onto the floor behind him.

I tried to remember the last thing and it was of his face staring at me, the man who’d taken my puppy. A single tear slipped past my lashes. What if I’d allowed something horrible to happen to Thor? My heart racing, I did what I could to shut down my emotions. They did no good at this point. However, it was almost impossible to stop the tears.

Or the building rage.

How dare the motherfucker take me not only away from Zatan but also from my home moon planet. I lifted my head, trying to ignore the continuing haze and the pain from the wretched drug. I’d been such a fool. After taking a series of deep breaths, I managed to sit up, making almost no sound.

The idiot hadn’t bothered to shackle my wrists or ankles, likely believing the drug would last until he had me out of the solar system. I wanted to laugh but bit back any sound, crushing my lips together. The element of surprise was the only advantage I had. I fought to maintain steadiness as I shifted directly behind the son of a bitch alien, swaying slightly the moment I tried to stand.

There were no rearview mirrors in the transport ship, no possibility unless he had keen senses for him to know I was ready to attack.

Then I realized I had nothing to defend myself with. I glanced right to left, grabbing whatever I could get my hands on. The strange-looking box was heavy enough but made a single sound as I disengaged it from its position.

That’s when the Vektorian beast snarled, jerking to his feet.

“The little human awakens.”
