Page 90 of Captive Mate

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And at that moment, I knew I was going to die. As I fell to my knees, the last vision was of Zatan before I closed my eyes.

Then I heard another roar, one that sent a dazzling shiver of electricity coursing through me.

“Zican Manta. You will stop.”

The booming sound of Zatan’s voice created a whir of sensations dancing through me. I took several deep breaths as Zatan issued several brutal blows to someone he’d once considered a friend.

I noticed another alien similar to Zatan standing only a few feet away, but where my mate had burnished red skin, the icy blue color of the other was the polar opposite. Then I realized he had to be Zatan’s brother, the God of Ice.

Zatan shifted backward as soon as Zican fell, turning toward me. “My little human.”

“You came for me.”

“I told you I would hunt you down wherever you are. You are mine.”

I noticed Zican forcing himself to his feet while the God of Ice stood with his arms crossed, a smirk on his face. When Zican yanked the pipe I’d lost into his hand, I reacted instantly. “Look out!”

Zatan didn’t hesitate, issuing a thunderous bolt of red-hot lightning from his fingertips, the electric current tossing Zican back by a solid twenty feet. But he wasn’t finished yet, rushing Zatan with a bellow unlike anything I’d ever heard.

Then a horrific fight ensued, both creatures managing blow after blow. Finally, Zatan had the advantage, yanking a battle weary Zican over his head. When he brought him down with a vicious thud, the sound echoed in my ears. Zatan stumbled backwards, glaring at the ice blue creature.

“Any time, Ravat. Your help would have been appreciated.”

Ravat laughed. “You were doing just fine, brother. Besides, you are obviously going to be king of the universe so I thought I could learn something from you.”

“Remind me to kick your ass later,” Zatan snarled.

Then he stood over the man, pulling what appeared to be a sword from a sheath. When he pressed the tip against Zican’s throat, I tumbled forward, touching his arm.

As before, the electricity soared between us. “Don’t kill him. He’s suffered enough. He deserves a second chance. Everyone does.”

Zatan growled and turned his head in my direction, his eyes searching mine. “You are a frustrating human.”

“Just wait until we’re mated.”

With that, he thrust his sword back into the sheath and pushed me gently against the corridor wall. Then he cupped my face, shaking his head. “I almost lost you, my beautiful little human. You will never be allowed out of my sight again.”

As he crushed his mouth over mine, I shivered to my very core. He had a way of yanking away the fears and concerns, the need we had for each other transcending time and space. I wasn’t an expert on relationships, but in the few seconds of being in his arms, I knew that destiny had prevailed.

He was my mate.

My lover.

My master.

He was also the man I would marry on another planet in another solar system.

And one day very soon, he would become the father of my children just as he would take the place of his father, the God of Creation.

I’d be right by his side as his queen.

Who knew a girl from Earth would become the most powerful woman in the universe…



How had almost a week passed?
