Page 91 of Captive Mate

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A week of strangeness and passion, learning a new culture and taking care of a purple dragon, who’d turned out to be a huge baby about taking pills. I chuckled and pressed my hand against the reflective surface, marveling in the warmth spreading across my fingers.

There was something to be said for orange skies. Not just tangerine but bright orange. I stood at the window of a gorgeous home nestled in the side of a mountain, staring out at the sky. As with my fantasy, I’d been right that there were pools of lava in different areas, but there was also rich terrain in dazzling colors. How they survived the heat, I wasn’t certain, but they were beautiful nonetheless.

Zatan’s home was majestic, certainly not what my fantasy had come up with.

I pulled the blanket around me, chilled from his palace being nestled inside thick walls. It was so odd to me that I could be freezing inside the house but warm as toast outside. My mate had tried to explain that with all aspects of the planet, the four corners of fire, ice, water, and wind worked together, creating the most incredible location I’d ever seen. Heck, it even rivaled the pictures I’d seen of Earth.

At least that’s what I’d seen from the whirlwind tour I’d been given before being locked in the beast’s bedroom, the passion unlike anything I’d experienced before.

Although we’d yet to mate, I sensed it was coming.

Whatever that meant.

Maybe a small part of me was eager. I pressed my hand against my thigh, the bite still there from our raucous round of lovemaking before. It was the second to final step of our mating process. And it was without a doubt the most sensual thing anyone had ever done. I was still reeling from the intoxicating effects. Who knew a beast with sharp fangs and the ability to shoot flames from their fingertips could be so darn sexy.


Thor nestled his muzzle against my leg. He adored looking outside almost as much as he enjoyed frolicking with Zaz, who was lying comfortably on a new fluffier bed that I’d insisted Zatan provide.

It had been in my calculation almost a full week since the incident with Zican. However, it was difficult to tell time since it was entirely different on Vektor. Zican had been tossed in prison awaiting trial, although I had a feeling Zatan would be lenient.

Or so I hoped.

I felt his presence behind me and sighed, the crackle of electricity as it had been before even more indulgent and satisfying. He had a way of making me swoon.

“It is time, my beautiful creature.” He nuzzled his face into my neck, raking his sharp canines across my heated skin. Then he removed the blanket from around my shoulders, pressing his throbbing cock against my bottom.

Shuddering, I closed my eyes, the longing for him more intensified than before. I’d never felt so alive and eager for the future. The fact I was getting married in a couple of days kept me on a strange plateau. At least the aliens on his planet hadn’t tarred and feathered me.


“So soon?”

“I need you. I need to fill you with my seed.”

“You mean you want an heir.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “Not too soon. We will take our time getting to know each other.”

I pushed away from him, turning around and wrapping my arms around his neck. Then I peered down at the firebird. “What do you think, Thor. Do you want this to be your home?”

Thor barked enthusiastically, his tail whapping back and forth.

“Zaz. Take Thor to another room,” he commanded. Then when Zaz continued to lounge on his bed, he issued the same growl that I’d heard Zaz do.

Zaz hissed but got up, shaking his head as only a miniature purple dragon could do. Then he woofed at Thor who followed him almost immediately.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re good with them.”

“Zaz has behavioral issues all because of you.” He gave me a stern look. “I adore you, my little human, but you are in need of being trained.”

“Oh, come on.” I traced his tattoo. “I’m such a good girl.”

He shook his head and without hesitation, tossed me over his shoulder as if I weighed nothing. Then he took long strides, returning us to the bedroom where he plopped down on the soft platform, dragging my naked body across his lap.

“You are such a big, bad alien. As mean as they come.”

He cracked his hand across my bottom, moving from one side to the other. The funny thing was that the smacks didn’t hurt. Instead, they made me wet and hot, more so than normal. I shifted back and forth on his lap, creating a wave of friction that I knew drove him crazy.
