Page 110 of Praying for Lightning

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My mother’s time in hell, the reasons she was there, her time with Onus, her time with … my Ani.

Oh my god.

One of Rya’s omen dreams had told her that finding Demi would lead me to Anita’s lost twin girls. It wasn’t a lie. One of them was standing right in front of me.

It took all I had not to hug her, squeeze her, and profess how much I loved her mother. Larissa seemed unaffected by all I was receiving from her, so I decided to wait to tell this young woman about the one who saved my life.

Deep inhale… “Art is a lucky man.” I winked at V. “See ya around, Aunt Vixen.”

She smirked. “You are my family.”

“Are you okay?” asked my brother, seeming concerned.

I backed away while replying, “Yeah. Of course. Just a little tired.” I swallowed overwhelming emotions as I turned away to my little goddess. “Can I catch a ride?”

Holding her chest, her mouth gaping, Rya finally blinked. Peering down at me, amazement in her eyes, she gently said, “What pleases you, eases me.”

This girl and what she does to me…

On the way back to the home that would shelter Rya and me for a year, I rested my head to hers. “I understand now.”

In front of me, Rya sniffled, trying to recover from all she felt happen inside me.

I exhaled so much appreciation for my life. All of it. “She loves him.”

My mother took Onus to hell and stayed with him because she loves him. And he, with all his faults and utter darkness, loves her, too.

Not every love story is as bright as the one I have with Ryannon.

From behind, as her horse carried us across the field, I held her tight, knowing I’d never let her go.

That night, two young souls let the worries of the world fade away so they could make love. No memories, no haunting past, to interferences. Only pure and innocent love.

Still holding my little goddess, our naked bodies so comforted by each other, Rya watched as we lifted from the bed. “Thunda, why are we risin’?”

I held her. I kissed her. I rejoiced in all that she gave me. “Because … we are dancing souls.”


1 year later

Hand in hand, Rya and I walked through the field between her childhood home and the church. The sun was setting and blessing us. Our free hands grazed the tall grass that returned every year to witness a love grow between two children… Now grown.

Rya graduated from high school. Demi moved with us to North Carolina under the care of Moola and Stew, my Royal Bastard, North Carolina, Wilmington Chapter VP.

As the wind floated through and past Rya and I, she leaned her head back and smiled. “I’m marryin’ my best friend today.”

For womanhood, she let her hair grow longer. For being a president of an MC, mine was shaved and gone.

Her flowing, simple, white dress was so elegant and beautiful, it was perfect for the wild spirit wearing it.

I was so at peace. “And he couldn’t be happier.”

At the front steps of the church, hand in hand, we stared at the old wood that had seen tears, kisses, and wishes. I imagined all the footprints we had left as we ran to each other over the years, happy to make new ones as man and wife.

As promised, my little goddess got to keep her church. It was my wedding present to her.

Inside were the families we had chosen to be ours. There were Redemption Ryders, Steel Stallions, and most loyal, Royal Bastards
