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The baby rolled as if mocking her. Genie smiled as she caressed her belly. ‘The heart wants what it wants, doesn’t it, darling?’

A firm kick. She laughed. Then slowly sobered.

What if Seve never said it? What if he was okay with the sex and the possessiveness and the whole Neanderthal hunter-gatherer moves but that was as far as it went? Would she be satisfied with that in the long term?

Her heart lurched.

No. She’d endured too much unhappiness to accept diluted devotion.

It was all or nothing. And if she had to fight for it...?

She pushed the thought away, rose and made her way back to the cabin. Its solid ruggedness was reassuring, her fondness for the time she’d spent there blowing away the uncertainty as she stepped inside and followed the sounds and smells of cooking. Dinner was an hour away but her walk had made her peckish.

Conversation stopped when she walked into the kitchen.

The guard and butler from the estate, who’d made an appearance with the rest of the staff, murmured greetings. But she knew something else was going on, couldn’t miss the excitement in the air.

‘What’s going on?’

Both men appeared hesitant. But Sofia, elbow-deep in flour, looked up, her eyes shining. ‘It’s theseñor. He’s making the announcement. Finally.’


One simple word. And yet it sent icy cold shivers racing over her body.

‘Wh-what do you mean?’

The housekeeper, clueless to the speaking glances being cast her way by the men in the room, continued, ‘It’s on all the TV,señora. Do you want to see?’ She nodded to the tablet set on the kitchen island, but the butler stepped forward.

‘Or perhaps I can get you something to eat,señora?’ he said.

Her appetite gone, Genie shook her head. ‘No, I want to see.’

Her shaky voice gave her away. Sofia’s excitement dropped, her eyes widening as she finally read the room. Before she could speak, Genie snatched up the tablet.

Her first thought was that it was a good thing she could speak Cardosian. The second was that it wouldn’t have mattered at all because the press conference was large enough to convey the importance of the event. Not to mention the helpful subtitles running along the bottom of the screen that screamedBreaking News!with a countdown clock promising said news in less than three minutes.

The venue was the Cardosian Parliament Building.

And there was Seve Valente, her husband, his features stamped with fierce intent as Alfredo Santiago wrapped up his heralding speech.

Rousing words flew from the older man’s lips.

‘Self-made billionaire... Beloved by his people... A selfless Cardosian with his people’s interests at heart who returned home to devote himself to his country. A newly minted husband with a child on the way. Everything Lorenzo Valente was not and would never be!’

The rush of blood in her ears almost drowned out Santiago’s voice. But the subtitles kept coming. Wave after wave of dread inundated Genie. She vaguely registered concerned voices and firm hands taking hold of her, hustling her out of the kitchen and into the living room. But she still didn’t let go of the tablet. Or take her gaze off Seve.

Behind him were some of the men who’d attended her wedding. Men she recollected had been part of his uncle’s administration. And to the side, looking almost cynically amused but for his equally calculating expression, was Alessio Montaldi.

Her gaze returned to Seve, her heart hammering harder as she refocused on his face, his words. As he announced that, following his uncle’s resignation, he was standing for president.

To his credit—or by design—he didn’t viciously malign his uncle. Hell, he barely mentioned him at all. And perhaps she would’ve forgiven him, had the lingering niggle not finally revealed itself as the betrayal she’d subconsciously feared as Seve stared into the camera and delivered his speech.

‘Cardosia deserves a different vision. A better vision. The road ahead is tough and will require difficult choices, hard work and sacrifice. I’m not a stranger to any of those things.’ He stared into the middle distance for a moment, shadows crossing his face before he refocused. ‘Challenges will arise and seek to derail us. I’ve had a few of my own recently. But we will meet those challenges and turn them into advantage.’ The crowd roared until he raised an imperious hand. ‘You will be pleased to know I’ve already started the groundwork...’

The rush in her ears grew louder.

The groundwork...
