Page 13 of The Kingpin

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“Let him finish the task tonight but I want Grayson left on ice.”

“Has something changed?”

“Likely. Hell, I don’t know yet. However, I need you for something more important.” Given Raven’s sudden appearance, I was becoming more concerned that the FBI were waiting for the wrong move to be made. Keeping Grayson alive for now might prove more beneficial.

“Saving your sister from that prick she’s marrying?” He laughed while I growled. The fact my sister was marrying a man like Zane Northington wasn’t my idea of a marriage made in heaven, but my father believed it was in the best interest for the family’s business. She’d also fallen in love with the pompous asshole, which had shocked me. At least Zane knew if he wasn’t good to her, I’d take matters into my own hands, business arrangement or not. Maddox was the only person who knew exactly how I felt. I wanted my sister happy and would do anything to ensure that was the case, but my friendship with Maddox had kept me from going off the deep end with regard to my hatred for the entire Northington clan.

“Unfortunately, no, at least not before the wedding. My mother would kill me.” The noise drifting up the stairs was of happiness, the party now in full swing.

“Okay, then what?”

“I have a guest for the evening who was very much unanticipated.”

He hesitated then laughed. “As in a party crasher.”

“Exactly. As in she was hiding in the closet when I gave the orders regarding Grayson.”

“Ah, fuck. That’s not good, Arman. Who is she?”

“You don’t need to tell me that,” I snarled and rubbed my eyes, the dull ache starting to throb. This kind of shit I didn’t need. “She’s a beautiful young woman who made the mistake of trying to steal a watch from me.”

Maddox whistled. “Did she have any idea the house she’d targeted?”

“She appears not to.”

“Uh-huh. But you don’t believe her.”

“The jury is out, my friend. What little I do know is that her name is Raven Cartier. So she told me.” I took a deep breath, furious that this had gotten under my skin so badly.

“Wait a minute. Is that…”

“The FBI director’s daughter? Quite possibly. That’s what I need you to find out. If she isn’t, I still need to learn every detail about her possible. She could be a plant.”

“Jesus Christ. In our world, when it rains, it pours,” he mused. “Do you have anything on her?”

“She’s supposedly a student at LSU. I’m certain you can find out if that’s the truth, including a photograph for further confirmation.”

“That’s an easy system to crack. Anything else? And when do you need the details? I take it tonight.”

I headed down the stairs, noticing my lovely yet rebellious daughter trying to convince a bartender that she should be allowed to drink. “As soon as possible. Absolutely tonight as she is my guest until I determine her identity. Find out what you can and meet me back at the estate. If she’s working with Grayson, I need to know it. See if you can hack into her bank accounts. I want to know if she was paid off by someone.”

“You got it, my friend. Do you need help containing her?”

I took long strides into the room, my daughter giving me an evil eye. Nights like this, she reminded me of her mother, far too beautiful to let out of a cage. I shook my head from the thought. My daughter would never allow me to keep her as protected as I’d tried to do over the years. She was far too independent, just like her mother.

“No, let’s just say she’s secured in my room.”

Maddox laughed. “You haven’t lost your touch.”

“I’m not sure about that. See what you can find.”

“I’ll get back to you. Just out of curiosity, what watch did this girl attempt to steal?”

“The one Sophia gave me.”

“Shit. I’m surprised she’s breathing.”

Chuckling, I slipped my hand into my pocket, fingering the first Christmas present Sophia had given me. It had been years since I’d found the courage to pull the watch from its box. Maybe it was time to gift it to my daughter. After all, her birthday would be coming up in a couple of months. “Let’s just say the lovely Raven grabbed my attention right away.”
