Page 14 of The Kingpin

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“Oh, brother,” he snarled.

“What does that mean?”

“It means you like her.”

“Not at all. Make certain Landry removes all traces of his… time spent with Grayson. Lock him down in an unusual location in case we’re raided.”

“I know just the place. You’re worried.”

“Let’s just say I’m going to err on the side of caution right now.”

“Understood. I’ll get right on it,” Maddox assured me. At least my second in command knew what set me off and how to handle the situation. Fuck. Given this was an election year, it would seem everyone wanted notoriety for cleaning up the streets. When that happened, it usually cut into our family’s business. Even the legit ones. With Grayson being in place for a long time, that meant someone significant could be going down. Laying low wasn’t my style.

“Excellent,” I said casually, ending the call and taking a satisfied deep breath while I slipped my phone into my jacket pocket. A few seconds later Zoe walked toward me, acting as if she’d been doing nothing wrong by talking with the dark-haired bartender who’d dared take a liking to the girl.

“Papa. I wondered where you were. I didn’t see you when I came in.”

“And I can tell you ditched your bodyguard. Didn’t you, my mischievous daughter?”

“He’s here. I just keep wandering from one room to another. I can’t help it if he isn’t fast enough. Did you see Edmee? She’s beautiful tonight.”

“She’s always beautiful, just like my daughter.” I kissed her on top of the forehead, scanning the room for any signs of trouble. Unfortunately, I’d had limited time to investigate the entire guest list, although the people my sister and her fiancé had invited were the Who’s Who of New Orleans society. That didn’t mean there couldn’t be a hidden danger. “Stay within visible range of your guard or I’ll hire a second and a third man to watch your every move if necessary.”

“Ugh! Stop worrying so much, Papa. No one is going to ruin the fabulous evening. I’m a grown woman. I can protect myself.”

While Zoe was well aware of the dangers of being a member of this family, her sheltered upbringing a result of being born a Thibodeaux, she was a rule breaker just like her mother. She was also at an age when she believed that nothing could hurt her. How wrong she was. I touched the watch again and sighed. “Uh-huh. You growing up is partially what I’m worried about. As far as the dangerous element, I wish your sentiments were the truth, daughter of mine. Stay out of trouble and no drinking. Do you understand me?”

She gave me a pouty look, which usually worked, but not in this case. “Party pooper.”

Laughing, I headed through the crowd, nodding toward several who greeted me, finding both my brothers standing far removed from the glorious couple. Both Edmee and Zane were certainly enjoying the limelight, the couple showered with expensive gifts and congratulations.

“Did you notice a senator from Florida is here?” Francois asked. My brother was only a couple of years younger. There were times we’d been able to pass for twins, although it was something he would deny wholeheartedly. He was also my Capo, taking the position seriously. He was happy with the position, although he handled little of the illegitimate side or the aspects of violence that Maddox did.

It was Francois who’d affectionately started calling Maddox my wise guy just to piss me off. Francois had a way with words, which made him perfect for the position he held. He was damn good at keeping the peace while forming alliances.

“And a couple B-list actors,” Louie threw in. He was the stable one of the family, our youngest brother and a surgeon who’d married the love of his live, the woman he’d met in college. With two kids and a busy career, he shied away from most family obligations, which had once been a bone of contention, especially with our father. However, there’d been times I’d envied him, his decisions and his courage to make them. There’d been no question whether I would take over as Don, kingpin of the south.

I hated the moniker.

“Zane thinks of himself as suave when in truth, he’s not well liked,” I answered. While I’d stated the truth, it wasn’t his lack of personality that troubled me as much as the fact he’d lived the rich boy life to an extreme. That made him cocky and in turn, potentially dangerous.

Louie laughed and lifted his drink. “You’re in a surly mood, brother. Perhaps you need a drink. This is a celebration after all.”

“Truth be told, for the first time since the announcement of their engagement I’m in a decent mood. However, a drink is something I do need. Francois, would you care to join me?”

“My cue to allow you two to discuss business. I’ll go see if my wife has finished grilling Zane’s father about a charitable contribution.”

“Which charity of choice?” I teased, knowing his adoring wife was heavily involved in the upper echelon of society.

Louie lifted his gaze, finally chuckling a few seconds later. “Honestly? I have no idea.”

All three of us laughed, both Francois and I watching as our brother walked away. Then we headed to one of the three bars.

“You look like you have something on your mind,” Francois said quietly.

“Grayson Alexander was in the process of stealing from us. Even worse, I believe what he planned on taking would be used to frame us with the FBI.”

“Whew. How did you find out?”
