Page 16 of The Kingpin

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Now I wanted to taste all of her.

Maybe I’d make good on my promise no matter the information discovered. After all, I’d been a very good boy recently. Very good indeed.



Terror remained, the kind that filled my thoughts with bloody images and would undoubtedly leave me with nightmares.

If I lived to see another day.

At this point, it was debatable, although it seemed as if keeping me as a captive was nothing more than a game to a twisted asshole who likely got everything he wanted. Not me. I’d die before I allowed him to touch me.

The bastard had left me alone for hours. Or at least so it seemed.

I wasn’t entirely certain as the man didn’t have a clock on either nightstand. Who didn’t want to know what time it was when they woke up? Maybe he kept his phone by the bed at all times. After all, he was an important mobster. Right?


I flexed my hand, struggling with the thick steel for the tenth time. There was no way of slipping my small hand through the dense material. I stared up at the ceiling, glaring at the ornate coffered panels that added to the artistry of the room. In the time Arman had been gone, I’d counted them five times, memorizing the locations of the two small cracks I’d found in the plaster.

The horrible truth was I was lying naked in a stranger’s bed, a dangerous man who’d spanked me an hour or so before. On top of the quicksand surrounding me, I was positive the girls who’d driven me to the city under some duress had likely left me behind. That meant no one was coming to my rescue. No one at this point knew I was missing given it was a Saturday.

I was in a very bad situation with no recourse unless I could find a way to escape. After taking the tenth scattered and ugly breath, I fought to try to at least sit up on his bed, tossing the itchy throw aside. When the handcuffs got caught on the wood surrounding the thick iron posts, it took me a full two minutes before I was able to yank the shackle up by a few inches.

Exhaling, I swung my legs off the bed, feeling at least a little bit accomplished. Then I stared at the make and model of the handcuffs. They were security grade at minimum, although they appeared to be exactly like the ones my father had trained me to get out of. However, it had been by finding a small piece of metal to use as a key. I doubted he’d left something like that lying around.

I glanced behind me then toward the nightstand. With one hand free, I could at least try to open the drawer. If he didn’t have that locked down like Fort Knox as well. I almost laughed out loud when I pulled the single drawer open easily. The damn thing had more inside than mine did. I glanced toward the door then started to remove the various items. There were few items that surprised me, although I was surprised he kept a hardback book with a page dog-eared.

Hmmm… Stephen King. I would have thought he lived with enough horror and bloodshed, he wouldn’t need to read about it. Then again, maybe he garnered ideas for how he killed people. The thought formed another lump in my throat. I continued my search, finding a single silver frame shoved under almost everything else.

I couldn’t resist pulling it out. The photograph was obviously when Arman was younger, the woman standing by his side peering up at him as if he was her entire world. And she was pregnant. There was no reason for me to feel a moment of sadness, or experience a cold shiver, but it was obvious whoever this girl was, she was important to him.

Then where was she? There was no evidence of a woman anywhere in his room or in the closet. Divorces could be ugly. Maybe that’s why he was so damn angry.No, he’s angry because you invaded his privacy. He hadn’t thought anyone would be going through his things let alone be found hiding in his closet.

God, I’d never felt so stupid in my life.

I shoved the picture back into place, but in doing so, I noticed something at the very back of the drawer. For a few seconds, I was giddy from finding a paperclip. To most people, the small metal object wouldn’t mean a single thing. But given the situation I’d found myself in, this was huge. Very carefully I lifted it into my fingers, trying my best to calm my nerves.

Then I used both hands to unfold it. After stealing another glance at the door, I twisted the handcuffs, finding the small keyhole. When I shoved the clip inside, I realized how badly my hands were shaking. I was a nervous wreck. Even if I got out of this, how would I manage to leave the house unnoticed? I could hear a combination of music and muffled sounds, which had to mean dozens of voices. And I had no clothes.

The only possible way was leaving through the kitchen, which was where I came in to pretend I was helping with the party. That’s what I would do. Then I’d… Oh, God. I had no wallet. No money. No credit cards. And no phone. Perfect.

I closed my eyes briefly then concentrated my efforts on freeing myself. The rest I’d deal with once I managed to do so. When I heard the tiniest of clicks, I sucked in my breath. Then I spread the cuff, removing my wrist. I’d never thought freedom could feel so amazing.

If I had to bet, I’d say I had a fifty-fifty chance of getting out of the house without being noticed by someone. If what Arman had told me was true, there were men who worked for him crawling all over the house and grounds. Undoubtedly, they’d be looking for me.

I scampered off the bed, not bothering to shove everything else I’d removed into the nightstand drawer. I was surprised he’d left my panties, but snatched them immediately, struggling into them as I raced toward the closet. Then I threw open the door, fighting to find something I could wear. Who hung up tee shirts? The man who was determined to make me pay for my sins.

I was already close to the door to the room when I tugged on the hem. It was long enough to be a dress. Not a pretty one but it worked at this point. I realized I’d almost forgotten my heels. Oh, that would be a fantastic look. With them still in my hand, I said a silent prayer I’d been right and he hadn’t locked the bedroom door.

A sigh of relief refused to be denied when I realized my observation skills were still intact. After darting my head out into the hallway, I felt certain the party was contained to the first floor. Hugging the wall, I made my way to the top of the stairs, peering down. The music was loud, the conversations and laughter lively. Now I just had to remember where the kitchen was.

Every step matched my thudding pulse, but I made it down the spiral stairs in only a few seconds. There was no one on the second-floor landing either, no open doors whatsoever.

After taking another deep breath, I eased down the last set of stairs, quickly scanning the area. Then I took a chance and bolted toward what I hoped was the kitchen.

If not, I was doomed.
