Page 15 of The Kingpin

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“I had the man followed. It took weeks before he allowed his guard to fall, leading us to a lower-level agent out of Baton Rouge. Their tracks were secured well, which was part of the reason it took me extra time. What I can’t confirm is if Grayson was undercover for the FBI or someone else.”

“Fuck, not good at all,” Francois said under his breath. “Does that mean you suspect it’s been going on for a longer period of time?”

“I don’t know but that’s what we need to find out. I should have known something was up four months ago when Grayson wanted to ride out the detail working with our more unscrupulous businesses instead of taking the promotion I offered him in land development.” I’d wanted to ship him off to our Texas operation to ease Francois of certain duties. Thank God I hadn’t. My thoughts shifted back to the possibility Raven was a plant. Maybe that wasn’t her name at all.

“How long has the man worked for you?” he asked.

“Long enough I trusted him completely. I need you to run down the list of known associates. I want to ensure we don’t have a larger issue.”

Francois nodded, waiting to say anything until we’d both ordered a drink. With the whiskey in our hands, he led us through the set of French doors to one of the patios and away from the majority of guests. “There’s something else you’re not telling me.”

I could never get anything past him, the sixth sense we shared both a blessing and a curse. “I have a guest upstairs, a woman who crashed the party.”

“That’s interesting. You’re certain it’s not a friend you didn’t know about.”

Sliding my hand into my pocket, I pulled the watch into the shimmering lights. “Not when this was attached to her wrist, ready to leave the fabulous party.”

“Wow. Are you having her arrested?”

“No, I have other thoughts in mind. However, I need to be careful. While I learn who she is, I’ll need you to ensure the party doesn’t get out of hand. Can you do that?”

“Of course, but I know that tone. What do you have in mind with this unwanted guest?”

“I’m playing it by ear at this point.” And she was very wanted.

“Do you think the timing has anything to do with Edmee’s wedding?”

I rubbed my jaw. “Possibly but right now, I’m not jumping to any conclusions. We’ll need to be certain. Speaking of our gorgeous sister.” What I also didn’t want to do was alarm anyone else in the family. Each one of us had been through enough over the years. I lifted my glass as soon as our beloved sister appeared on the landing, giving us both the kind of look that could burn most men into the ground. Francois knew how to play the game with her and with Louie when necessary.

“There you are. It’s time for a toast, my brother,” Edmee purred as she sashayed closer. “You promised. Remember?” She rubbed her hand down my open shirt, shaking her head. “What happened to your tie?”

“It was suffocating tonight and of course I’ll make a toast,” I told her.

“A nice one. Don’t you dare make a fool out of the man I love.”

Francois made a grumbling strange sound and took a step away. “I’ll remain in the back of the room.”

“No, you don’t,” she snarled, grabbing his arm and yanking him back into place.

“We’ll be a family unit tonight, Edmee. That much I can promise you.”

“Don’t ruin this for me, boys, or I’ll make your life a living hell.” She spun on her tall heels, laughing as she headed back inside.

Only I knew she wasn’t kidding.

“God love women,” Francois said. “Maybe it’s time to consider settling down, dear brother.”

“I did that once. Remember? That’s not going to happen again.”

“As our mother would say, never say never.”

That’s exactly what I’d said more than once. “Maybe you should take your own advice.”

“One day. I would enjoy a huge family.”

“You would.”

Grinning, he walked ahead of me and I glanced up at the third floor, wondering how my uninvited guest was handling incarceration. Then I rubbed the tip of my index finger across my lips. I could still taste her sweet mouth.
