Page 30 of The Kingpin

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Narrowing my eyes, I glanced at my second in command. Maddox shrugged. However, the name stuck in the back of my mind, but from where? “Okay. When did the change occur?”

“Two weeks ago. A huge fucking deal. It changed everything. Suddenly, there was a lot of interest in your family.”

The timing coincided with the meeting he’d had with his contact, which was also why I hadn’t heard about the change. What in the fuck was going on? “Who was he before?”

“My boss who got me involved, pushing the Feds into getting in the middle of their case. The fucker has more influence than you do. No offense, Arman. What he wants, he gets.”

“None taken.” At least in this regard. Sighing, I studied the man for a few seconds. “Anything else you can tell me?”

“Other than he’s buddies with the director of the FBI, no.”


Too many pieces of the glass puzzle had just fallen into place.

Grayson’s information was worth its weight in gold. It also changed everything. I shifted from feeling sorry for myself to the edge of requiring revenge in that very moment. Maybe this was indeed a sign, but not from God. From the devil himself.

I nodded and Maddox grinned from the other side of the room. I grabbed the shot glass, taking a few seconds to refill it. When I positioned it directly in front of Grayson again, I kept my fingers around the edges. “You’ve earned the right to die with dignity, which is rare for anyone who betrays me. Enjoy your drink. Maddox will be happy to get you another. The end will come soon. I have additional business to attend to.”

I finally looked into his eyes, and I sensed the man had no fear of dying. He also had no remorse, which was typical. Guilt, remorse, and anything resembling raw emotion other than anger was akin to a death warrant. There were few exceptions, children being one of them.

After another quick glance toward Maddox, I headed for the deck. Maybe a little fresh air would do me some good.

“For what it’s worth, Arman, I considered you a good friend, a mentor. I learned more from you in the time we spent together than I did during all my years in law enforcement.”

Stopping short, I glanced over my shoulder. “That means quite a bit coming from you. Thank you, Grayson. May you rest in peace.” With that, I headed outside the cabin, taking the steps slowly.

I didn’t need to coach Maddox what to do.

Grayson would be given a burial at sea, but at least he’d be dead before he hit the water, not forced to endure shark attacks. There was a chance I had at least one decent bone left in my body after all.

As I moved toward the railing, I allowed my thoughts to drift to the lovely young woman once again. I’d have a long discussion with my father. Then I’d inform my brothers of my decision.

Raven Cartier had entered the lair of the wrong predator. I’ve given her a couple of weeks of peace, allowing her to think I’d forgotten all about her. Then I’d strike when she least expected it, additional pieces to win this war put into place before I took her permanently.

Within weeks, I would be a married man. For better, for worse.

There would be one change from the time before. This time, until death do us part wouldn’t involve my heart.

Or a single moment of guilt because of my actions.


Four weeks later…


In the almost five weeks since I’d been set free of the monster’s control, I’d looked over my shoulder at least a hundred times, maybe more. I’d half expected to see Arman in the shadows, ready to snatch me away from my life at any time. Of course, that was ridiculous if for no other reason than he was far too powerful and busy. Abducting a woman was probably assigned to one of his soldiers.

There was no doubt I’d seen the man at least twice. My mouth watered even now thinking about how his infrequent visits had made me feel.

Like a princess.

In a cage.

I hated myself for falling prey to the man and his needs, yet even now, I could swear his scent lingered on my skin. As if it had been permanently stained as a reminder I was now owned by the devil reincarnated. Maybe I was being slightly dramatic, but I couldn’t shake the trickle of fear that remained with me.

At least I didn’t have classes the next day, only work in the morning, then I could try to regroup somehow. A whole three days mostly to myself. I had a feeling my roommate would be sucking face with her boyfriend, which was fine with me. It was beautiful this time of year, the early April day providing a lovely backdrop of color to the university grounds.
