Page 31 of The Kingpin

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This was my favorite time, or it would be if I didn’t constantly have a sick feeling rushing into the back of my mind, a need furrowing in the ugly depths of my being. As if I missed Arman’s touch. It was crazy, but the insanity refused to go away. I remained shocked I hadn’t heard from him, but my sixth sense told me any day the phone would ring and his number would pop up, the screen reading exactly what I thought about him.

The devil.

The threat he’d issued had been so perfect, the words stated with no emotion whatsoever. I’d heard the best serial killers, the ones who used very creative methods in their kills and rarely got caught were those with zero emotion about their crimes. That was Arman Thibodeaux to the letter.

Ruthless plus emotionless equaled the most dangerous creature alive.

Plus, he had a number of people working for him, a powerful family backing him. Of course I’d spent some time on the computer, which was what I was doing right now, learning as much as I could about the man. My father had always told me that everyone, good or bad, had a weakness. I needed to find his and figure out a plan to use it.

I’d taken the man at his word. He would kill my father if necessary. In doing so, would he make my baby sister and my mother collateral damage? I couldn’t take the chance. The fact I’d jumped every time my cell phone rang wasn’t any way to live, but maybe he’d leave me alone permanently.

And maybe I was dreaming.

Seconds later, I heard a hard thump against the dorm room door and jerked up, knocking the chair over in the process. Then my roommate and best friend bounded in, laughing as she stood in the doorway, looking the other way.

“I know, Jason. I’ll see you tomorrow. Now, I need to study tonight.”

Exhaling, I raked my hand through my hair. I watched as he grabbed her around the waist, pulling her into the hallway for another kiss. I’d envied their relationship for far too long. They’d known each other since junior high, planning to attend the same college since tenth grade. They’d made it work, even though he was a football star and she was a computer geek.

Sighing, I moved toward the refrigerator, grabbing a soda from inside. What I really wanted was a drink, a big, tall one. Maybe I’d indulge in opening the bottle of wine my mother had brought during her only visit to campus.

Paisley cocked her head, blowing him kisses before closing the door.

“Why don’t you just get an apartment together?” I asked.

Paisley spun around, pressing her back against the door. “You know why. My parents would kick my butt. And why are you in such a crappy mood lately?”

“I have my reasons.” I took a swig of the diet beverage and groaned. Cabernet it would be. At least even with my muddled brain I’d been able to pass the two exams with ease. I deserved a drink or five. Or ten. Hell, at this point, I needed an entire case of wine if I wanted to get Arman out of my mind.

His hot body.

Sexy kisses.

The savage fucking.

Damn it. Why did I continuously have to think about him?

“So you’ve said without saying a damn thing. Open that wine, girl.”

“Are we celebrating?”

“Hell, yes.” She tumbled forward, lifting her hand. The flashy ring sparkled in the dim lighting. Her squeal of happiness could light up the entire campus with electricity. “Can you believe it?”

“Are you kidding me? It’s about time he popped the question. You’re like the perfect couple, destined for happiness.”

“Aren’t you going to congratulate me or are you going to remain too grumpy?”

I had been grumpy. More so than normal. Being threatened by a bad man could do that to you. Instead of teasing her as I usually would, I raced forward, wrapping my arms around her. “I am happy for you, baby girl. I know this is what you wanted.”

“For as long as I can remember. Isn’t it beautiful?” She pulled away, offering a pouty look while flashing her huge rock. Jason’s parents had money, which was the only reason the diamond was so huge given he didn’t work. Paisley didn’t need to either, her parents richer than God. That hadn’t stopped us from becoming fast friends the first day of our freshman year.

“It’s gorgeous. Let me open that wine and we will celebrate.” I was happy for her, but I was also jealous. I had no idea if I’d ever find the right guy.

What about Arman?

I rolled my eyes as I searched for the wine opener. “So when is the wedding?”

“Maybe June.”
