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Chapter 11: Sam

“Brace for impact!” Kan’n roared.

It was the only warning I got that we were anywhere near the ground. I hugged Pip close and pressed back against Kan’n’s muscular body. I was grateful his hand was cupped around my forehead, holding me tight to his chest. I only needed to smack the back of my head on his sternum once to know I never wanted to do it again. He was as hard as a rock.

I thought about his offer to let me touch him all over. I admit, I was curious how the rest of him felt, especially if he continued behaving the way he had since this mess started. Some guys cracked under pressure and showed their true monstrous selves; Kan’n, on the other hand, stepped up to the plate and stopped being a jerk. I was sure it was only temporary, but I was still glad for the respite.

The landing was bumpy, and despite Kan’n holding me in place, it knocked the wind out of me. A quick glance up at the window showed me random glimpses of a claw or scourge face as they rolled us on the ground like a snowball.

After a while a thin film of white covered the window, obscuring our view. At this rate, we were going to be entombed in snow.

So many ways to die, and today, I got to experience a little taste of all of them. Lucky me.

“They are pushing us toward the nest,” Kan’n said.

Great. Let’s addanotherhorrible way to die to my list today.

If they succeeded in rolling us into or even anywhere near a nest, we might as well be dead. Even if the scourge never actually managed to break into the pod, we’d die of dehydration long before help arrived, if it ever did. They might send a drone, but that couldn’t move anything as big as this pod. We’d be doomed.

“We have to get out of this pod now.” Kan’n said exactly what I was thinking. “Before they get us too close to the nest.”

“Damn right!”

“Okay. Release the harness, turn around, and wrap your arms and legs around me. I’ll open the pod and jump out the next time I see an opening.”

Terrific, right into a pile of scourge. But we had no choice.

“Wait. I need to find a way to keep Pip safe while I hold onto you. I only have two arms.”

“Use my belt.”

That might actually work. I twisted around and leaned to the side like I had before, trying to reach his belt. The pod tilted, and I gasped, instinctively putting my hand down to stabilize myself. It accidentally landed right over his crotch.

“Sorry,” I mumbled as I reached for his belt again.

A few seconds later, I had managed to get it unfastened, but all my fussing around meant I now also had a very hard, very erect, alien cock tenting the loincloth. I sure hoped Kan’n hadn’t been relying on the belt to hold the garment up.

“Really? Now, of all times?” I asked, unable to stop a smidgen of snark from creeping into my voice. I had to admit, it was kind of nice to think I had this kind of effect on him, especially after he’d been telling me for weeks how distasteful he found me. If only we weren’t busy trying not to die.

Kan’n made a sound that was suspiciously like a chuckle. “You are taking off my clothes, female. I cannot help it.”

Turning back around so that the very hard and bumpy Xarc’n erection—I knew all about how these hunters were shaped—was now pressed to my back, I got to work threading the belt around the handle of Pip’s box and wrapping it around the sides tightly. When I was done, I had a loop that fit perfectly around my forearm so I could hold on to Kan’n without letting go of Pip.

When the pod was relatively upright again, I reached for the harness. “I’m going to release us now so I can turn around and wrap around you.” I had just managed to get it off as the flyer outside decided we needed to be upside down again. I reached up to stop myself from smashing against the ceiling. Kan’n reached for me too. He was larger, and with his legs and shoulder braced in the pod, he could stabilize himself while I couldn’t.

“I got you.” He hauled me against his body, and I threw one arm around him. There wasn’t room in the pod for my other arm to do the same, especially with Pip attached to my wrist. That would have to wait until we were outside.


“Yes, Sam?”

“Being paralyzed and then kept alive by the scourge’s toxin and watching them bring me back to the nest in pieces, is one of my worst nightmares. Running out of oxygen and falling toEarth from space are two others, as is being entombed in a giant snowball. I can’t handle any more. Get me out of here safely, and I’ll give you anything you want. I’ll get out of your hair, I’ll stop bothering you and Pip. But onlyafterI get Pip back into a proper shuttle.” My promise to Pip came first.

He grunted. “That is not what I want from you any longer.”

No kidding. Judging from the hard cock which had been pressing against my belly just a moment ago, I had a feeling I knew exactly what he wanted now instead. Well, if he wanted me to scratch an itch, that was fine too. I had one that needed scratching myself. “Whatever you want. Just get me out of here.”

“It will be done.” The muscles on his body tightened, ready to pounce. “Hold on tight.”
