Page 23 of Ruthlessly Mine

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Or about that night.

Even one of the track lights positioned just over the entrance door was out, adding to the sinister atmosphere. I chuckled at the thought. I hadn’t even been watching any horror movies as of late.

Work was the great equalizer, Zorro a close second. And tonight, I had all the work I could handle.

“Another two Budweisers, Crystal,” Daphne called over her shoulder.

“You know how the order system works,” I snarked then grinned at her as I slid open the cooler. We’d already gone through six cases of cold beer. I’d have to restock soon, and that never happened. Even the food was flying out of the kitchen. There had to be an event in town that I didn’t know about. Tonight was all about taking advantage of things.

My, wasn’t that a sassy thought?

After placing her beers on the bar, I tapped the top. “Keep a watch for me, Daphne. Grabbing a few cases of beer.”

“Sure thing, boss woman. You need to get a bar-back if we continue having business like this,” Daphne cooed.

“If we keep having business like this, I’ll hire one.” Laughing, I yanked a towel from behind the bar, wiping the perspiration beading along my hairline. The gesture made me think of the biker, the way his chest and arms were glistening from the sweat covering every inch of his naked skin. Mmm…

I stood in the walk-in cooler for a full two minutes before reaching for the cases, smiling the entire time. Cooling off had almost nothing to do with humping behind the bar. I kept the almost lurid smile as I headed back, eyeing the rain pelting against the glass. The way the drops pounded against the window was mesmerizing, continuing to draw my attention even as orders came in, several customers sitting directly at the bar lifting their empty drinks.

Everyone wanted something from me.

Including the demon that continued to haunt me, a reminder of everything I’d run away from. I took several deep breaths, shoving the beer into the front cooler, one after the other, the glass clanging against the steel sides from my forceful effort. Anxiety wrapped sinewy fingers around my throat, squeezing like a tight vise. I tried to take several deep breaths, but the raspy sound of my gasping was caught by at least two of the customers.

“You okay, Crystal?”

“Do you need some help, darlin’?”

Thank God, they were regulars.Count to ten. Do it. One. Two. Three. Four… Five…The strangulation continued, shoving adrenaline into my system.


I threw out my hand, trying to smile and finishing the count. The single exercise had always worked, alleviating the fear and giving me back the ability to breathe. Hearing the thumping of my heart, I gripped the edge of the bar, digging my nails into the chipped wood. I refused to allow the darkness, the ridiculous unsettled feeling to conquer everything I’d accomplished.

Fuck the world.

“I’m fine. Storms just bother me.” I could tell by the look on the guy’s face he didn’t believe a word I was saying, but I was stronger. Anger now replaced the severe unease, allowing me to catch my breath. I hadn’t had this kind of attack since the third week I’d moved here. Why now? There was no reason, no threats of any kind. In fact, I would consider the last few weeks some of the best I’d had in several years.

Perhaps my senses were heightened, the storm derailing my thin line of sanity, but I could hear the creaking of the hinges as the entrance door was opened. I was able to detect the splashing of rain hitting the sidewalk from the overflowing gutters. Tipping my head, the figure standing in the doorway was merely a dark silhouette, a hulking mass taking up space. I wouldn’t have ordinarily given the person entering a second look, except for the fact electricity skimmed along the back of my legs, crawling upward. Even my heart was racing more than a few seconds before, a line of perspiration now covering the top of my lip. Was it the mystery man? Stop. I had to stop acting like a wild child.

I was simply overheated, various synapses short-circuiting. Nothing more.

Without thinking, I grabbed a couple of ice cubes, sliding them down the side of my neck, while keeping my eyes pinned on the door.

The man ignored the beads of rain no doubt covering every inch of his body and stepped into the light.

A quiet settled around me, a slender hold of peace enveloping my entire system. There was no ringing in my ears, no calls for drinks or other service. There was only the man standing in the slender shadow of illumination.

The mysterious biker.

The man who’d spanked me.

The gorgeous man I’d fucked.

And I knew for some uncanny reason that he was supposed to be here, in this space.

Blinking, I took several steps closer and this time sparks ignited the embers that had been left dead and cold somewhere in the darkness of my system. They were alive with need, the crackling sensations driving into the very core of my being. No man had every brought me to this level.

“Who. Is. That?” Daphne asked from behind me, her voice dipping to a sensual tone.
