Page 23 of Scandal

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Another ten minutes passed and now, I was livid, ready to bolt from the room demanding I be allowed to talk to the perpetrator.

Another thirty seconds later and I returned to the table, grabbing my briefcase, shoving the pad and pen inside. All the while I was grumbling under my breath. Fuck this. My time was far more valuable.

Then the door opened, two officers leading in the suspect.

I rubbed my eyes, ready to launch into them when the man in the dazzling charcoal suit lifted his head.

And he smiled.

I shuddered to my core, my mind spinning out of control, my heart racing. Even worse, my pussy started to throb immediately as the horrible moment of recognition settled in.

Jonny, the man who’d awakened all my senses, the one I’d shared my most intimate and passionate night with was the suspect.




There was nothing more beautiful in my mind than a woman in a suit, especially a power suit in red. It indicated she was powerful. Self-confident. Alluring. Someone who knew exactly how to use the power God had given her as a stunning woman.

And she took my breath away even though I was in shackles, treated like a fucking animal. That didn’t deter the hunger that immediately rushed into my system or the burning need I noticed in her eyes.

I gave the prosecuting attorney a nod and nothing more, refusing to show anything other than practiced indifference. I was no fool. I wouldn’t publicly out her. In truth, I realized that with the lovely blonde as the prosecutor, perhaps my luck that had followed me most of my life would remain intact. However, as soon as the shock of recognition started to fade, I sensed she was shutting down, refusing to acknowledge ourintense connection, an electricity that I was surprised the two Neanderthal officers in the room couldn’t detect.

I remained rigid, the officers finally forced to drag me toward the second chair in the room, one of the burly men purposely scraping the legs of the chair against the ugly tile.

“Sit the fuck down, Mr. James,” he barked, shoving me down with a brutal push.

I thumped into the chair, immediately placing my shackled arms on the table.

“You can remove the handcuffs,” mycheriesaid in a determined voice, shifting her hard, cold stare from one of the officers to the other. I could read disdain in her expression, as if she’d had run-ins with the police in this department before.

One of the things I had going for me was that I was an excellent judge of character. I could read people easily. Lies. Truths. Fear. Anger. They all had a particular scent. Even masked by the insanely intoxicating perfume she was wearing, I gathered a whiff of raw fear.

Of our tryst being discovered? Or of the monster sitting in front of her?

I was eager to toy with her in order to find out.

“No can do, Ms. Beckett,” one of the officers snarked in a gruff tone. “He’s a killer. Do not allow him to get close to you.”

She folded her arms across her chest, her expression one of anger. “Fine. Leave us alone. And ensure no one is standing behind that mirror. Do you understand me?” When they didn’t answer right away, I sensed she was going to present certain legalities to their idiot minds.

The second officer snorted then patted me on the shoulder. “Have it your way. He’s all yours, Ms. Beckett. I suggest you be careful. He does bite. We might not be right outside the door to save you.”

I found it curious there was so much animosity. She’d ruffled feathers. Perhaps I could use that as well as our heated moments of passion to my benefit. The fact I’d been arrested meant the meeting with Ronan O’Connor had been used. Discovering the responsible party could be tricky, especially since I was a fish out of water inside this country. I remained furious with myself for letting my guard down.

The beautiful woman did little more than slant her eyes toward them as they headed for the door, hissing when they slammed it behind them. Then she took a deep breath, closing her eyes briefly as she attempted to get control of her raging emotions.

I sat still for a few seconds then leaned forward, keeping my voice as low as possible. “Welcome to my nightmare,cherie.”

I deemed her slight snort a reward. She took a few seconds pacing back and forth in front of the table. I sensed her increasing nervousness, uncertain how she wanted to handle the situation. “Do not call me that, Mr. James.”

“What would you prefer I call you?”

When she slammed her hands on the surface of the table, I lifted my eyebrows, unable to keep a smile from my face. “Mr. James, my name is Sedona Beckett. I am the lead prosecutor on this case for the city of Louisville. As such, I’ve been assigned to your case. Were you read your Miranda rights as required by the laws of the United States of America as well as the state of Kentucky?”

When I leaned further forward, I expected her to back away. I was wrong. The formidable woman could hold her own. “Yes, I was, Ms. Beckett. Thank you for asking. Now, I’ll ask you a question.”
