Page 24 of Scandal

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She cocked her head slightly, giving me a stern look. “I’ll be asking the questions from here on out.”

“Surely you can allow me one. Every criminal is allowed that.”

Her mouth twisted in a similar manner I’d seen when fucking her wet pussy. “Go ahead.”

I took my time, breathing in her exotic perfume, allowing my heated breath time to escape my lips. “Is your lovely silk blouse as wet as your sweet pussy,cherie?” While my voice was purposely kept low, only the beautiful woman able to hear, I sensed her increasing anger.

However, I was rewarded once again, this time by a dazzling flush creeping up on both sides of her face.

She leaned even closer, never blinking, a smile curling in the corners of her mouth as she whispered in the same sultry tone that had lingered with me long after I’d left her hotel room. “Check yourself, Mr. James. You’re inside a jail where you’ll remain for a very long… time. Unless, of course, you confess to the murders. If so, I’ll do my best not to have the jury recommend the death penalty for your horrific crimes. And for the record, I never sweat in front of pompous criminals allowed to get away with vicious crimes.”

Now she considered me pompous. The woman was a lioness in disguise. However, it would seem that she had no understanding she’d met her match. I took a few seconds before addressing her ridiculous statement.

“While I may be Canadian, Ms. Beckett, I’m well aware of the laws in your beautiful country, including those in this state. I know for certain that capital punishment was placed on a permanent suspension in this state in two thousand and nine.”

Our eyes locked for a full thirty seconds before she took a deep breath and rose to her full height. “Very well, Mr. James. I’m going to ask you a few questions. I suggest that you provide me with the truth. Unless of course, you’d prefer waiting for your attorney’s arrival.”

“I have no problems talking to such a beautiful woman.” She was concerned that the case would be thrown out on a technicality. My attorney was very good at forcing that to happen.

She was flustered but this was her moment of full control, able to shine give her chosen profession. I had the distinct feeling that she was a shark inside the courtroom. And a part of me couldn’t wait to watch her in action. While my incarceration would be short lived, bail paid immediately no matter the exorbitant amount, that would mean I’d be unable to leave the country.

That alone pissed me off. I had responsibilities as well as a family life to consider. Plus, without a brigade of men surrounding me, I had few options of getting to the bottom of this charade. That placed me in a very difficult situation.

“Then why don’t you tell me what happened?” she suggested.

“Wouldn’t you prefer to ask me whether or not I’m guilty of such heinous crimes?”

I watched in near amusement as she grabbed an iPad, flicking through the screen with purpose. I’d annoyed her. What she had no understanding of was how intensely aroused I’d become, mycock pressing against my trousers as it had done inside the hotel bar.

“Mr. James. While it appears you do not have a record either in Canada or the United States, you’ve been considered as a lead suspect in at least a half dozen murders. I don’t believe I need to ask whether or not you’re capable of doing something so atrocious.”

“Do I make you nervous?”

“Should I be?” She gave me another annoyed look.

“It would appear you’ve determined that I’m a monster.”

“Aren’t you?”

“Absolutely, Ms. Beckett, the kind your nightmares are made of.”

I could smell her fear stronger than ever, but it was laced with pheromones, her desire more strongly evident than before.

“If you’re trying to frighten me, Mr. James, it’s not working. I don’t scare easily.”

“Perhaps you should consider my intentions might be all about enticing you further.”

She laughed, as if what I’d said was ridiculous, but I noticed a single bead of perspiration trickling down one cheek. This time, she slammed her hands on the table, leaning over far enough that when I met her halfway across the table on purpose, our lips were almost touching. “That’s not going to happen, Mr. James. Get over yourself.”

“Why lie to yourself? I can read your thoughts, can smell your longing for what only I can give you.” When she didn’t budge for almost a full minute, it was all I could do not to kiss her,especially when she dragged her tongue across her bottom lip as seductively as she’d done right before I’d fucked her.

Her breathing was ragged, and I could indeed read her lurid thoughts.

“You’re a vicious criminal, Mr. James. I’m not attracted to a bad seed.”

Her words almost made me laugh. I eased back, breaking the tense but delicious moment.

“Ms. Beckett, I’ve never been charged with a single crime for a very specific reason. I’m a businessman, my corporation worth billions of dollars. But I’m certain you already know that. However, I wouldn’t have amassed such wealth if I hadn’t gathered enemies along the way.”
