Page 73 of Scandal

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“Never. I assume Matt the jerk wasn’t the love of your life.”

I pulled away, snorting then slapping my hand across my mouth, laughing through my fingers. “Oh, hell, no. He was a placeholder.”

“Ouch. I hope you don’t call me that.”

“I’ve yet to decide what to call you.”

“I’m certain you’ll figure it out. In spades,” he teased.

I gave him a seductive look, a flash of desire washing over me.

“Do you want me to hang around tonight, boss?” Michael asked from the front seat.

“Not necessary. Go home and get some rest. It’ll be a few hours before it’s determined we left the States. I’ll call a meeting later.”

Michael nodded.

I noticed the driver was turning into a stunning neighborhood. It would seem every house had significant amounts of land. Almost all were gated. As soon as the driver made a turn, I leaned forward. We were still close to the river and if I had to guess, I’d say his house backed up to it. The driveway was winding and when the estate finally came into view, I was pleasantly surprised. I don’t know what I expected but while the Tudor-style mansion was massive, it had a homey quality. There were twinkling white lights in the trees, which added to the beauty of the landscaping.

The colors of the flowers and blooming shrubs were stunning, highlighted by the sunrise, the crisscross of colors across the sky breathtaking. I’d feel like a princess if I didn’t feel so filthy and out of sorts.

“This is yours?”

“It is now. My grandparents owned it, then gifted it to me. My brother got their summer house.”

“Summer house.”

“Yes, a stunning Mediterranean that suits Gregory very well.”

A few seconds passed and I was struck by the odd tension between us. “I’m sorry about your loss. I can tell you were close to them.”

“Oh, they’re still alive. They’re on an extended tour of Europe in their eighties. They didn’t want to be tied down to real estate any longer. We French Canadians live a long and happy life.” He grinned as the driver stopped in front of the house, keeping the vehicle idling.

“I’ll park it in the garage, boss,” the driver said.

“Thanks, Marcel.” Jonny seemed more formal than he had in the States, as if being back home meant he had significant responsibilities. He climbed out, immediately walking behind the back of the SUV.

As he pulled me from the vehicle, there was a sparkle in his eyes. “You’ll be comfortable here.”

I took one step forward and winced. “Ouch.”

“You stepped on a rock. Here. Allow me.” Before I had a chance to object, he scooped me into his arms, cradling me against his warm body and taking long strides to the house.

“I’m not an invalid.”

“No, but we don’t want you to hurt yourself. Now, do we?”

“Well, shoes would be nice.”

He laughed as he walked up the stairs. “You’ll have an entirely new wardrobe by this time tomorrow.”

“I’m not certain my bank account can handle purchasing a new wardrobe.” Which was a partial lie. I’d scrimped and saved as much of my paychecks as possible, putting them into savings and stocks, giving myself an allowance that I adhered to strictly.

“You’re my guest,cherie. You will not be paying for a thing.” He flung open the door, his strides remaining powerful, as if the king had arrived home.

While something told me there had to be servants running around, I was pleasantly surprised an entire staff didn’t greet us. I noticed a sweeping staircase, but the house had a homey feel to it.

“You can let me down now,” I told him.
