Page 74 of Scandal

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“Not yet,cherie. Would you like to go to bed or prefer that I show you around?”

“I’d love some coffee.”

“I think I can handle that.” He grinned as he continued carrying me down a long hallway. When he walked into the kitchen, I couldn’t have been more surprised. It wasn’t perfect as if the room was never used. There was clutter on the island, a bowl of fruit including grapes and bananas, mail on the kitchen table, and a half-eaten bag of cookies. What?

He groaned as he sat me down, moving immediately to the chocolate chip yummy goodness. When he growled, prepared to shove them wherever they were supposed to be, I couldn’t help myself, snatching the bag from his hand. As soon as I pulled one into my fingers, he slowly turned his head, lifting his gorgeous eyebrows.

“What?” I asked as he shook his head. “Breakfast of champions.”

“Don’t you know sugar first thing in the morning will stunt your growth?”

There was something about the lightness in his voice that allowed me to feel a moment of peace. Even joy. I spun around in a circle, giggling when I noticed his crazy expression. “From what you’ve already told me, I amallgrown up.”

“Mmm… Maybe I’ll need a reminder later.”

“Besides, you need to live a little dangerously. Have a cookie.” I laughed after making the statement, finishing my cookie then grabbing another. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d eaten anything. I grabbed another one, dancing in front of him. “Open your mouth.”

For a few seconds, I was certain he was ready to admonish my ridiculous behavior. As he slowly opened his mouth, he issued a growl. In true naughty girl fashion, I shoved the entire cookie into his mouth. I couldn’t help but burst into laughter from the look of shock on his face. I backed away as he tried to grab me, twirling in a full circle as he chomped.

Coughing, he wiped crumbs from his luscious lips, narrowing his eyes. “I will get you for this.”

“Sure you will.”

He moved toward a coffeemaker that looked like it had seen better days, pouring out what was left and rinsing the cannister. When he pulled a grinder and a bag of coffee beans from his cabinet, I was fascinated just watching him.

He seemed to sense I was doing so a few seconds later, studying me as he pressed the on button for the grinder. When he gave me a heated look, his nostrils flaring as his chest rose and fell,I was suddenly pushed into a moment of stricken awe. I was in another country with a man I barely knew. And I felt almost as if it was a tempting, passionate adventure instead of what it really was.

A chance to find the killer and exonerate the man I cared about maybe a little too much. I took a deep breath, looking away, embroiled in dark and ugly thoughts.

“What’s wrong,cherie?”

“Nothing. You surprise me and I didn’t think that was possible.”

“Why?” He pulled out a scoop, grabbing a filter then placing several heaping scoopfuls of coffee into the coffeemaker. The aroma was incredible, a hint of chocolate easy to detect.

“Because you don’t have staff making you coffee, ordering them around like the prince of tides you are.”

He chuckled at my reference. “My mother made certain her children knew how to do everything on their own, including laundry. That’s one of many things I hope to teach my children.”

A strange look crossed his face, one that I couldn’t read. I grabbed another cookie, placing the bag on the island and moving to the other side of the room, gazing out at the backyard. “I have no doubt you’ll be an amazing father,” I cooed. “It’s beautiful here.” I could just make out the river from where I was standing, the backdrop of very large trees and rich-looking grass adding to the level of comfort.

“I always loved coming here as a kid. My grandfather had a tire swing installed and my brother and I spent countless hours jumping into the river.”

“I can see it. You kept the swing all these years?”

“It’s new,” he said, half laughing. “The old rope rotted away.”

“Please don’t tell me you still jump into the river.” When he didn’t say anything, I turned around. That’s when I noticed artwork on the side of the refrigerator held by colorful magnets. A strange feeling tore through me as I walked closer, studying the six or so drawings.

In crayon. Bright. Bold. Crayon. The pictures were incredible, brilliantly crafted, but obviously done by a… child given the medium selected. I turned my head, trying to think of what to say.

He followed my gaze, taking a deep breath. “I should have told you before.”

“Dear God. You’re married.”

When he lifted a single eyebrow this time, I wasn’t certain what to say or think. Before either one of us could say anything, I heard noise, and I could swear the sound was made by little feet.

Seconds later, a little boy popped into the room, racing toward Jonny, who immediately dropped to the floor, opening his arms wide. He was wearing Superman pajamas, his little bare feet drawing my attention.
