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“Teyana says she is being jostled about and has tried to keep a hold of Kelsey, but it is getting harder,” Father Fenn yells as we run down the halls.

“Where are the City guards?” I am frantic because neither of us can feel our mate through the bond.

Will we ever be able to let her out of our sight again? Tan asks me.

We have to get her back safely first, I respond and send.

Hold on, my heart. We will find you, I send out into the darkness of the bond.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


The City within the space station fascinated me, and Teyana was so much fun to go out shopping with. However, I really wished to do more than all this “spend our males’ money stuff.”. I am not a kept woman. I have skills and the guys mentioned that I could work in Navigation when we are on the ship. Come on, I was studying astrophysics when I was abducted. I can read star charts. Shopping and going to lunch is not a great use of my big brain… well, my intelligence.

To be fair, my mother-in-law…or whatever Teyana is called on this side of the Galaxy…Is amazing. Plus, she did mention that she is only able to do this because she is on vacation from her job as a xenobiology researcher.

“So, we need to discuss my sons,” Teyana suddenly says.

“Ohhhkayyyy?” That is so blunt; I have nothing better to respond with. What can I say to the mother of the males who want to claim me? “What can I say?” That is another brilliant line. I am not showing much in the way of my intelligence.

“I know that they are just like their fathers,” She starts with. “What is the phrase you say, ‘they have clubs up their anus’.”

“Um. Sticks up their butts.” I correct. Her way was just wrong.

“Oh yes, that is better. Cruder. I like it.” She smiles impishly. “It is hard for them to move away from the discipline they learned from their fathers and then the military. Goddess knows, I tried to inject some fun into their lives, but sons like to emulate their fathers.” She gives me a knowing look and I nod like I completely understand, though I don’t know… “My two daughters are so much easier, both are in the science corps and will be thrilled to discuss mating between humans and other species with you and your friends. They know how to have a fun time.”

“Are they twins?” I ask.

“Oh, no, on our planet, twins are always boys. I have only been pregnant five times. Three sets of boys.” She smiles proudly. I am a bit shocked. “We are lucky we had those two females. Most families just have boys. But we have six boys and two girls. Tet and Tan are the oldest and most like their fathers. Jin and Jac have just started military training, so they are still a little under my influence. We are a small family by some standards, but we are not H’Atari who have twelve in a clutch. Females have three to six clutches in their lifetimes.”

I am a bit stunned. “Wow! While humans have been known to have up to twenty kids. We usually only have two to three. Only the religious folk who don’t believe in birth control have more than three or four. We just can’t afford more than that due to a variety of issues. Folks no longer need large families to work the farms. Most jobs are being automated and, well, our planet can’t handle the almost nine billion people we have now.”

“There are nine billion humans?” Teyana is in shock now.

“Well, eight-point-seven or eight, but yeah, we have a lot of humans.”

She shakes her head in disbelief. “We are lucky if we have thirty million on our whole planet and most species in the Galactic Federation have far less. Of course, we did at one time have billions throughout federated space, but that was during the wars and before disease swept the galaxy reducing the population by two thirds, almost two hundred years ago. I remember my grandmothers discussing those times. We were lucky that many of our most brilliant minds survived, but it devastated many worlds equally and did something to the genetics of many species. Females are rare. Fertile females are even rarer.” She paused in reflection. “Some say that certain beings caused the disease as a means to eradicate their enemies but those species were not able to control it and caused their own species to either die out or begin to have the same issues.”

“I seem to remember reading in my history classes about humans doing similar things during wars,” I state. “They used chemicals that caused the soldiers fertility issues or caused cancer in their younglings, dying painful deaths. Killing a generation with their hate.” I feel saddened that universally there are those that kill without thought of the consequences. “They killed for stupid reasons, because someone was different; different beliefs, different ethnicities, different sexuality and gender norms…” I just shake my head at the futility of it all.

“Well, we now know better,” Teyana confirms, “but that does no stop those who are greedy from trying to wreak havoc in the Federation. Yet those criminals may have actually done some good. Eight billion people and you humans can breed with some of the species in the Federation.”

“Well, don’t encourage more abductions please,” I plead.

“That, my dear, would be unethical.” She smiles at me. “But I would like to see how well a mating with you and my sons go. I look forward to grandyounglings to spoil.”

“It is that for life, thing that scares me.” I confess.

“Why?” Teyana asks. “Are you afraid of being pleasured by males who only want the best for you?”

“I am afraid of being made to conform,” I say. “I didn’t do it for my family, why would I do it for a man…well, two males.”

“My dear,” she tucks my arm in hers, “No one is saying you have to conform. Do you think I conformed to my mates’ ideas of a perfect obedient female?” Teyana snorts.

“Well, no, but…” I stammer.

“There are no buts. I made my mates dance a merry little dance before I settled down. They know that if they wanted me to confess my need for them that they needed to accept me for who I am. I am not a well-behaved female and neither was their mother.” She winked at me with a bit of a smirk. “The males of this line love contrary women no matter what they say to the opposite. Just remember where you are when you decide to remind them that you are not as tame as they would like you to be. I heard that you were a perfect mate at the Council Meeting. Not one act of rebellion. My mates were very impressed by you. They will mention this to my sons who may…just may understand that your rebellion is for them and no one else.”
