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I turn to face him, the moonlight illuminating his features. “I had a dream,” I start, my voice a whisper. “About us, having a family, a life beyond all this chaos.”

He props himself up on one elbow, looking at me intently. “Tell me about it,” he says, his interest genuine.

“It was so different from my own childhood.”

His body shifts slightly to face me, an attentive listener in the moonlit room.

“Do you think I could be a good mother?” The question hangs in the air.

He reaches out, gently cupping my face in his hands. His touch is comforting, grounding. “I have no doubt. You have so much love and compassion to give.”

His words wash over me like a soothing balm, offering a sense of reassurance and comfort that I didn’t realize I needed.

“I’ve never seen that side of life, the joy of a loving family,” I admit, a vulnerability in my voice. “But with you, it feels like it could be possible. A ruthless mafia boss and a family man. Is that possible?”

He pulls me closer, wrapping his arms around me in a protective embrace. “With you, Emily, anything is possible. We’ll create a life filled with love, the kind of life we both deserve.”

“Do you ever think about that? About us having children?” I ask, my heart racing with the vulnerability of the question.

“Tomorrow we go looking for nursery items. Does that answer your question?”

The bright morning sun greets us as we step out of the mansion, its rays casting a warm, golden hue over the estate. Alessandro holds my hand firmly as we make our way to the waiting car, a sleek black vehicle with tinted windows.

I can’t help but feel a twinge of apprehension about leaving the security of the mansion, but his presence is reassuring. For so long all I wanted was to leave, and now all I want to do is go back.

The drive into the city is quiet, each of us lost in our thoughts. Alessandro occasionally glances my way, a look of determination mixed with affection in his eyes. He reaches over to squeeze my hand, offering a silent reassurance.

“I want you to choose whatever you like. Remember, there’s no spending limit.”

The idea of shopping for a nursery feels surreal, almost like a dream. “Isn’t it a bit early for all this?” I ask, trying to mask the whirlwind of emotions inside me.

Alessandro smiles, a confident, decisive expression. “Once I’ve made a decision, I stick to it. This is our future. If you’re not pregnant already, you will be soon. I want to be prepared.”

His words fill me with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. The thought of starting a family with this man, under such extraordinary circumstances, is both daunting and exhilarating.

As we arrive at the boutique, a sense of unease creeps over me. The streets seem busier than I expected, people bustling about their daily lives, unaware of the dangers lurking in our shadows. I glance around, half-expecting to see a threat at every corner.

“Are you okay?” Alessandro asks, noticing my discomfort.

I nod, forcing a smile. “Just a bit overwhelmed, I guess.”

He leans in, his voice low and soothing. “If at any point you feel uncomfortable, we’ll leave. Your safety and comfort are my priority.”

His words are comforting, but a part of me feels conflicted. I don’t want to appear cowardly or overly anxious, yet the fear is hard to shake off.

I decide to push through it, not wanting to let my apprehensions dictate our day.

As we step into the boutique, Alessandro’s protective presence is a comforting reminder of the unique bond we share.

The air is filled with the soft scent of new fabric and polished wood, a sanctuary of dreams for new beginnings.

His men watch the exits, keeping guard as we look around at the things on display.

“Look at this crib,” I say, running my fingers over the smooth, white finish of a beautifully crafted piece. “It’s so elegant.”

He leans in, examining it with a thoughtful gaze. “It is,” he agrees, his hand finding mine. “But do you think it’s comfortable enough for our baby?”

I smile at his concern. “I think so. And look, it has adjustable sides. Perfect for when the baby grows.”
