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We move on to the prams, each model boasting different features and designs. Alessandro seems particularly taken with a sleek, modern design. “This one has suspension wheels and a reversible seat. Can you imagine taking him for walks in the park with this?”

I laugh, picturing the scene in my mind. “I can, and you pushing it proudly. You’re sure it’ll be a him?”

“I’m sure.”

Our next stop is the baby clothes section. The tiny outfits, with their soft fabrics and adorable designs, make my heart swell. Alessandro picks up a tiny pair of socks, holding them up with a grin.

“Can you believe their feet are this small?” I ask.

“It’s hard to imagine,” he replies. “But I can’t wait.”

“What about a sea adventure theme for the nursery?” I suggest, picking up a stuffed dolphin toy. “Our little one will have dreams of sailing and treasure hunts.”

I find tears forming in the corner of my eyes.

“Are you all right?” he asks. “Is it too much?”

“No, it’s just I’ve never been this happy in my life.”

Which is when everything goes to hell in a hail of bullets.



“Get down!” I yell, instinctively lunging towards Emily. My arm wraps around her, pulling her to the ground behind a sturdy display of changing tables. The store erupts into chaos, screams piercing the air.

Outside, I can see figures moving - Orlov’s men, guns in hand, their intentions deadly clear. I see the man himself mustering them, barking out directions in Russian. He might have been out of the country the last two weeks but he’s back now.

I glance at the store owner, an older woman frozen in terror. “Move to the back, stay out of sight!” I shout to her.

She nods, scrambling away to safety.

My men, always positioned close for situations like this, are already getting into the action. Shots fly in both directions and I have to yell to make myself heard. “Cover the exits!” I command, drawing my own weapon.

A gunman leaps through the broken window, his weapon raised. Reacting swiftly, I fire, my shot ringing out.

He falls, but more are coming.

Emily, crouched and terrified, looks up at me. “Alessandro!” she cries out, her voice laced with fear.

I lean down, meeting her eyes. “Trust me,” I say firmly, before turning to engage the next threat.

The air is thick with the smell of gunpowder and fear. I move with precision, taking down another assailant. “Rico, flank left!” I order, keeping a strategic eye on the evolving situation.

Bullets whiz by, too close for comfort. I feel the adrenaline pumping, the familiar rush of combat. My focus is laser-sharp, each decision critical.

Orlov’s men are relentless, but our training and experience give us the edge. “Marco, check the back!” I shout, ensuring no one gets the jump on us.

In a brief lull, I glance back at Emily. She’s crouched behind the display. I grab her hand. “We need to get you out of here, now!”

Guiding her swiftly, I lead us towards the back of the store, staying low and alert.

Bullets continue to fly, the sound deafening in the confined space.

As we reach the rear exit, I peer out cautiously, checking for any sign of Orlov’s men.

Marco waves me out. “We’re clear.”
