Page 24 of The Wiseguy

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“Look. I think they were searching for something in particular,” Landry added.

“Why do you say that?”

“Because before I blacked out, I heard one of them say find her. Her? Who the fuck are they talking about?”

Her. My instinct shifted into overtime. “I have a feeling it’s Zoe. Get in the house. Get all these people out of here. Secure the house.”

“Where the hell are you going?”

“To protect the person they came for.” Taking Arman’s daughter would be a surefire method of damning the entire family. I bolted back the way I’d come from, sprinting toward the greenhouse. I came within twenty yards when I heard her high-pitched scream.

No. No. No!

I was running as fast as possible, gasping for air as the anger ravaged my system. The second I rounded the corner of the garden building I could see her struggling with her captor. While she was in imminent danger, the direction they were taking her led through the woods toward the street backing up to the edge of Arman’s property. There were two of them. I tried to remain quiet as I approached, realizing that I had about two minutes before things would get dicey. I jerked out the weapon from the dead assassin, using the fact I was ambidextrous to my benefit.

“Let her go and maybe you get to live,” I commanded, pointing the guns at each masked man.

As expected, the jerk holding her spun around, pressing the barrel of his gun against her forehead. She hissed, her eyes darting back and forth as she struggled with the arm that had been placed around her neck.

The one thing I had to count on was that Zoe had been trained. She knew how to deal with a situation like this. I’d taught her subtle hand and facial commands, which would need to come in handy.

“I don’t think so.” The man’s voice had no accent. As with the other assholes I’d dropped, there were no discernable features. They were just hired guns sent to disrupt the party and create chaos. If they’d wanted to kill anyone, including Francois, they’d be dead. The intent had been all about capturing Zoe.

“Nice subterfuge,” I said as I walked closer.

The second asshole tried to take a step away, as if I’d allow him to get the drop on me. That’s the moment things were about to get dicey. I made a hand sign with the weapon in my hand, grinning as I kept my eyes locked on Zoe.

My concentration was spot on as I leveled the weapon in my left hand at guy number two, issuing a loud bellow as Zoe stomped on the assailant’s foot using everything she had. It was just enough to break the man’s hold. She threw her elbow into his stomach for good measure before lunging away, dropping to the ground and scrambling into the darkness.

Just like I’d taught her to do.

Then I fired off three rounds in rapid succession.

Zoe yelped seconds later, and I took long strides in her direction, crouching down and pulling her into my arms. “I got you. It’s over.”

“I was so afraid,” she managed. “But I knew you’d come.”

When I looked up, Tony and another soldier were racing toward us. “Jesus Christ.” The first soldier spun around in a circle, ensuring no one was trying to get the drop on us.

“The last of the fuckers ran off. They’re gone.” The second soldier had been with Arman for years, well-seasoned in every aspect of protection.

I pulled Zoe onto her feet. “That’s exactly what they had planned. We need to get back to the house. Call the cleanup crew. I want this mess taken care of.”

“What do you want me to do with them?”

“Put them on ice. If one of them is alive, keep him that way.”

Tony nodded. “I’ll have them rounded up. You know the police are going to show.”

“I’ll handle it. Just get going.”

Zoe clung to me as I wrapped my arm around her. “They wanted me. Why?”

“To use against your father.” I started walking us toward the house, still scanning the perimeter. What troubled me the most was that the fuckers had almost managed to get away with it. Security had slacked off, the fact no one had attacked the house for years allowing everyone’s guard to fall, Arman’s included.

“Bastards. You saved me. I knew you would. You’ve always been my hero.”

Her words almost carved a hole in my heart, one large enough I was pulled into another layer of darkness. I knew why she’d made the statement but at this moment, I felt like nothing but a failure. I’d allowed my dick to interfere, something I’d promisedboth myself and my best friend would never happen. I’d made a blood oath to protect Zoe with my life, something that had been done more years ago than I could count. I’d blurred the lines. I’d endangered her life.
