Page 25 of The Wiseguy

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“Come on. Let’s get you inside,” I told her, ignoring the giant elephant in the room. I’d need to ensure she knew what we’d shared could never happen again, but only after the situation was locked down tight.

As we entered the house, an eerie quiet instantly put me on edge.

Then I heard a commotion as soon as we moved into one of the hallways. Landry was racing toward the kitchen.

“What the hell is going on?” I growled, seeing the horror on his face.

“It’s Arman. He struggled with one of the intruders. He’s shot. And it’s bad.”




It had been a long time since I’d been inside one, but the old feelings of loathing the cold and stark facilities had returned. I stood with my hand on the wall, staring out the window toward the bustling parking lot. I’d remained deep in thought since arriving at the facility, memories of the past drilling into the forefront of my mind.

I glanced at the Styrofoam cup in my hand, the bitter taste of the cheap coffee all I deserved even if I wanted a shot of bourbon or a fucking bottle. Arman had been immediately taken into surgery after arrival, the bullet nicking his lung. That’s all we’d been told, other than his injuries were considered life-threatening.

It was my fault and mine alone that Raven could lose the man she loved, the father to her beloved child. She was as strong as they came, but not on this day. It was supposed to have been a celebration, a festive event with family and friends. It had turnedinto a nightmare. She’d yet to look at me or say a goddamn word, but I’d sensed she blamed me for not being there by his side.

Hell, she should.

Guilt wasn’t something I was used to feeling, remorse not in my vocabulary, but on this night, I was drowning in it. Even Zoe had kept her distance, which was pulling at the man inside of me, the one who wanted to wrap a cocoon around her. I rubbed my eyes, the dull ache behind them remaining after popping Tylenol like candy. How many fucking hours had passed? I checked my watch. It was already two-thirty in the morning. While I was no doctor, the surgery had lasted far too long. That had to mean the chances of Arman surviving were slim to nil.

Goddamn it. I wasn’t a praying man but at this moment, I’d try just about anything. What I was certain of was that I planned on hunting the person responsible down like a dog.

There was no news on the people truly responsible, no claim from the darkness as enemies often chose to do. The silence was the worst, the not knowing pushing everyone to the edge. The last thing we needed to do was react without learning the full details. However, there were far too many emotions involved, enough I was fearful damning decisions would be made.

Francois flanked my side, his anger as intense as mine. He’d refused to be admitted, pushing the EMTs aside when they’d offered assistance. His arm was in a sling, but knowing the man, that wouldn’t last long. For now, he was the head of the family until Arman recovered. He stood staring out the window as if one or both of us could find answers when at this point, there were none to be found.

“You did your best, Maddox,” he stated, exhaustion in his voice.

“Yeah? My best wasn’t good enough.”

“You saved Zoe. You made certain Raven and Gabe were protected. Hell, your instinct kept my beautiful wife and my sister from being caught in the madness. You’re a goddamn hero, Maddox, and it’s time you started acting like one.”

“Fuck that!” I exclaimed too loudly, capturing the attention of Landry and a few of the other soldiers. I shook my head, the fury only increasing.

Francois clapped his hand on my shoulder. “I know you’re worried but Arman is tough. He’ll make it through.”

“I don’t know.” I’d shoved everyone away, pressing my hands on the wound as others had called 9-1-1. He’d almost bled out on the way to the hospital. I’d been left there to pick up the pieces, to ensure that the shit was cleaned up, forced to handle the police as they arrived in three squad cars.

Sure, we had them on speed dial, most under our control in one way or another, but when you had shots fired at celebrities, two politicians injured in the process, that didn’t bode well for keeping the peace or the alliance intact. At least they’d taken the report and left, but I had no doubt they’d be required to return.

“Did you call your father?”

“Yeah,” he said. “Mom and Pops are returning from Italy as soon as they can.”

“How are they?”

Francois shook his head. “You know Pops. He’s threatening to burn down New Orleans to find the people responsible.”

“Who was Arman on the phone with?”

He narrowed his eyes as he turned toward me. “I have no idea. What did he say to you?”

“It’s not what he said but what he didn’t say.”
