Page 78 of The Wiseguy

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I was numb inside, shocked that he’d saved my life twice in one day. We’d been extremely lucky we’d gotten out of the blast zone, the hangar and everything inside completely demolished.

“No. That’s not okay. That’s…” As soon as he pulled the phone away, he cursed.

“The line is dead?”

“Yeah. I guess we lost the internet. Always the first to go in these kinds of storms.”

“My God. We’re stuck,” I said as I closed my eyes.

“For now, little lamb. However, it’ll be okay. The storm will pass.”

“How? How is it going to be okay? For all we know there’s a dozen more assholes trying to kill us. That man died just because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Because of us. Us!”

“How do I know? Because I have enough firepower to start a goddamn war.”

I turned away from him on purpose.

“Look, Zoe. I think the young man at the hangar had been dead for at least a few hours, which likely means whoever is responsible killed him first then headed toward the house.”

“How did they find us? How?”

“Because the government in St. Barts requires this address to be on file. My guess is that the employee was forced to open the files on the computer in the office, providing it.”

“How do you know?”

“Just a guess but I’m pretty good at them.”

“You have no soldiers to stand by your side. You’re one man, Maddox. One. I can fire a weapon, but I doubt you’ll allow me to use one.” I threw up my hand with my index finger as I stared at him. He had cuts on his face from protecting me from the shrapnel, yet he’d refused to allow me to tend to his wounds.

As he walked closer, I found myself bristling, shaking all over again. “Do you really think I’m going to allow anyone to get inside this house?”

“You’re not Superman. You won’t wear the cape.”

He chuckled. “Who says I need one? I have magic powers.” As he pulled me into his arms, I could tell how tense he remained.

“What if the storm surge is bad?”

“We’re in a protected cove. That will keep us from getting the brunt of the storm since it’s coming from the opposite direction. However, it’s time we batten down the hatches. Are you game for it?”

“Do I have another choice?” I pulled out of his arms, trying to control the anger and sadness. The fear that I couldn’t seem to break free of from the notion not only was I going to lose my father but the man I loved as well. The despair was overwhelming, so much so that I had difficulty breathing.

“We’ll be fine. And yes, I will allow you to have a weapon.”

“What if we lose power?”

He rubbed his knuckles across my face. “I do have a small generator we can use. That will help. I also have plenty of flashlights. We’ll make a picnic out of it.”

I was shocked that he was making light of the situation. It wasn’t like him. That meant he was more worried than he wanted to let on.

A generator. “Does it power the security system?”

When he took a deep breath, holding it, I shivered all over again. “Look, we’re going to be fine. Okay?”

It didn’t matter that he continued to tell me that. I’d almost been run down by a speedboat, had seen a dead man with his throat slit, and had almost blown up in a fiery explosion, all in just a few hours. Laughter bubbled to the surface. I was obviously losing all sense of rationality, drifting ever so close to la-la-land.

“I’m trying to believe you, but the storm is coming in so fast.”

“I know but with it being a fast-moving storm, it’ll get the hell out of here quickly as well. Think of it that way. However, we do need to get the shutters locked down. Is that something you can help me with?”
