Page 79 of The Wiseguy

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I stared into his gorgeous eyes, finally nodding. “Just tell me what I can do to help.”

“Good girl. We can do this together. I’ll show you how to latch one. That’s all you need to do.”


The thought burned into the back of my mind as I headed downstairs while he took the main floor.

I found myself moving through the house, trying to do what he asked, but I could no longer feel my feet, I felt so numb inside. I was sick to my stomach as I moved from room to room, struggling with the heavy wooden shutters. I still couldn’t wrap my mind around everything that had happened, fighting the anger and nerves with everything I had.

When I was finished with the last one, I could still hear the wind howling through the windows. I backed away just as the light flickered for the first time. The last thing I wanted to do was be in the lower level if the power went off. It was a crazy little thing,a fear of the shadows but after today, I deserved to be worried to a point.

I raced up the stairs, finding him in the kitchen sliding batteries into a flashlight. The weather station was still going, the reports being alternated in French and English.

“Any additional news?” I asked as I moved closer.

“Nothing that you want to hear.”

“Meaning what?”

He took a deep breath before answering. “They’re upgraded it to a category two.”

“You’re certain we’ll be okay?”

“Yes, Zoe. I am. Why don’t we put together a bite to eat.”

“I don’t think I can.” It was at that moment that adrenaline chose to flood my system, my breathing suddenly shallow, and I was unable to get enough air to breathe. It took a few seconds to realize I was having a panic attack. I gripped the edge of the counter, lifting my head to stare at him. I could swear I heard footsteps. I could swear I heard the robotic voice of the man who’d threatened me.

I couldn’t have a meltdown. I just couldn’t.

Thankfully, he wasn’t paying attention, loading up another flashlight. I think he was droning on about how I needed to keep up my strength, but his words were suddenly all jumbled together.

As the light began to fade around me, my periphery of vision going first, I reached out for him. “Maddox. Maddox…”


“I feel a kick,” Maddox said as he lifted his gaze, grinning as his eyes darted back and forth across mine.

“It’s only been three months. I don’t think that’s possible just yet.”

“Are you kidding me, little mama? I know my son is kicking away, eager to come out into the world.”

“Uh-huh.” I removed his hand, but he pulled my arm, curling my fingers then rolling his thumb back and forth across my knuckles as he brought my hand toward his mouth. When he rolled his lips back and forth, I couldn’t keep from shivering. He had that kind of effect on me, so powerful in everything he did. “You better stop, or I won’t make it to cooking our dinner.”

“I am famished but not for food.” He lifted me off my feet and I squealed.

“What are you doing?”

“Oh, nothing. Just fulfilling my needs. I am a growing boy.”

“Growing boy, my ass. Put me down.” He was taking long strides down the hall toward the kitchen. “I said put me down, you big lug, you!”

“Okay. With pleasure.” He plopped me down onto the floor and as soon as I tried to run away, he grabbed my arm, giving me his most heated defiant look. “Not so fast. You deserve a spanking.”

“For what? I’m a good girl.”

“Uh-huh. Let me count the ways you haven’t been good.” He tapped his index finger against his lips. “Oh, yes. Backtalking. You refuse to follow my rules.”

“What rules?” I teased. I was a little vixen, constantly trying to get away with things.
