Page 86 of The Wiseguy

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I shook my head before I could ask him what was vital for me to learn. “Did you arrange for Zoe to be married to someone important to the family and the operations?”

While anger flashed in my friend’s eyes, it wasn’t before the slight hint of shock, one he didn’t want me to see. But I had.

He leaned forward, steepling his hands after placing his elbows on his knees. “Why in God’s name would you suggest something so ridiculous?”

“Because of something Zoe mentioned and because of certain details I learned.” And had left out with Francois on purpose. I wanted the element of surprise intact when I talked with Arman. Sadly, I knew whatever contract he’d entered into had come back to bite him. When he remained quiet, his stare cutting through me, I was forced to press him. “If I remember correctly, Devin has a son destined to take over from his father at some point. Did you determine it was in your best interest to establish a strong connection just like your father would do?”

I was shocked when he jerked up from the chair, taking two long strides then wrapping his fingers around my shirt.

“How fucking dare you, Maddox. You might be my friend and my right-hand man, but you have no right to question anything I do with regard to my family. My family. Not yours. Remember? You don’t have one.”

While I sensed his venom wasn’t based on his anger at what I’d just accused him of, that didn’t mean my own rage didn’t surface. “Fuck you, Arman. You’re right. I had a father who abused my mother, enjoying threatening and terrifying his own son after beating him for sheer practice. And I had a drug addict for a mother, the heroin she stuck in her arm and the pills she popped helping her deal with my violent father. Do you want another look at the scars the fucker left behind? Will that make you feel like a better father yourself for selling off your own daughter?”

There was no doubt the words I said would end our friendship, but at this point, I would not allow the atrocity to continue. Not for a fucking second. I jerked away, resisting punching him, doing my best to remind myself he was recovering from a life-threatening injury that was my fault and mine alone.

“What the hell is it to you? You’ve made it a point not to care about anyone. Isn’t that right, Maddox? You shut down after Lola died, acting as if everything in this fucking world is your fault. That chip on your shoulder is weighing you down, brother.”

“What is it to me? Let me tell you something,brother.” I threw the family word in his face. “That beautiful girl you sold off like cattle is special, a bright star in a sea of sharks and piranhas, the reason the sun rises in the morning. If you spent any time around her, you’d understand just how amazing she is.”

As soon as I ended the tirade, I noticed his eyes were open wide.

The quiet and tension settling between us was more difficult than I’d imagined.

“My God,” he half whispered. “How did I not see it? You’re in love with her.”

I closed my eyes, looking away.

“Answer me,” he demanded.

“Yes, Arman. I’m in love with Zoe and I won’t allow you to take her away from me.” While I glared him in the eyes, trying to remain as controlled and defiant as I was capable of, he shocked the hell out of me by issuing a single hard punch.

I tumbled backward, almost stumbling to the floor, slapping my hand on my jaw. While I managed to keep my hold on the drink, I watched as scotch splashed on the crystal dial. All I could think about was that the beautiful gift would soon be destroyed.

Along with my desire to be with Zoe.

He took a deep breath, moving slowly once again as he returned to the chair. This time as he eased onto the seat, I was certain he’d aged another five years. His coloration was as close to gray as I’d seen it before. When he placed his head in his hands, I felt even more like a shit.

The seconds ticked by.

“I didn’t arrange the marriage with Devin and his son, Maddox, but you’re right as you always are.”

“Then who the fuck did?”

He lifted his head, glancing at the door before answering. “My father.”

“What?” Now I was the one who needed to sit down.

He nodded. “It’s true. Documentation was sent to me providing proof the night of the graduation party. I was trying to get to Devin, but he ignored my calls. I was prepared to buy out the contract with every cent of money I had.”

“You got wind of this supposed arrangement prior to her return to the city, which is why you not only demanded she come home but had me shadow her until you could bring her here yourself.”

He nodded, looking as forlorn as I’d ever seen him. “I wasn’t certain what to make of anything, but I wasn’t going to allow Devin to get his hands on her without a fight.”

“Fuck. Why would your father do something like that? Jean Baptiste expressed his hatred of the man more than once.”

“I honestly don’t know except business is business, billions of dollars at stake and things aren’t quite as rosy in Texas as Francois has led us to believe. In fact, they’re on the verge of imploding. Devin’s hold in Texas with the state legislators has him locking out various avenues, construction taking three times as long and at least twice if not four times the expense we planned. Francois had tried to put a finger in the dike but if something doesn’t change, our spinoff corporation will go bankrupt within six months.”

Jesus Christ. I had no idea. None.
