Page 87 of The Wiseguy

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Texas had been fully and completely in Francois’ control, but there’d been no red flags that I’d seen or heard of. “Your father was trying to protect the entire family.”

“And our holdings. Maybe in the old days it was a viable solution, but my daughter isn’t for sale. To anyone.”

The way he was looking at me was a further indication he didn’t approve of my relationship with her. “Understood.”

“Maybe you do, but I sure as fuck don’t. We invested a hell of a lot of money in the various resorts and other business holdings in the Lone Star State. I was also in the process of trying to determine how bad it was before the party. But to do something so egregious without talking to me is… unimaginable.”

I bristled seeing the cloud covering his face. I wasn’t entirely certain he wouldn’t have considered entering into the same contract, no matter the conviction in his earlier statement.

“That’s why you didn’t talk to me about the situation and why you begged me to take her away.”

“Yeah. Had I known the lengths Devin would go to in his attempt to keep the contract in effect, I never would have asked you to put your life on the line not once but three additional times. For that, I’m sorry.”

“Have you tried to double check the contract? Signatures can be faked.”

“Thomas found out my father and Devin have been nice and cozy on the phone over the last few months.”

Another surprise. That would never have occurred before. Still, I wasn’t convinced.

I thought about what he’d just told me, and something didn’t jibe with me. Even if what Tony had said was true, leaving the possibility that Lucas had hired someone to bring her roses in the club, keeping an eye on what was supposedly a done deal, there were too many missing pieces. “I don’t buy it.”

“Which part?”

“That your father sold you out to protect your brother. You’re certain the contract is with Jean Baptiste?”

He pointed toward his desk. “You can see for yourself. The contract is in the top drawer where I left it the night of the party. Why are you suggesting otherwise?”

Before answering him, I wanted to see the contract for myself. I pulled it into my hands, flipping through it quickly. While it would appear on the surface that Jean Baptiste had signed the very legal contract, a nagging sensation remained in the back of my mind. “The asshole who attacked us inside my house in St. Barts said something about facing my greatest nightmare. That certainly makes it seem as if the shit that went down is about me.”

As I glanced at him, he turned his head. “You’ve had only a few dealings with Devin. Why the fuck would he target you along with my daughter?”

“For one, because your daughter has had a crush on me for years. However, that’s not my point.”

Arman rose to his feet a second time, walking toward me slowly. I stood my ground, allowing him to take out whatever aggression he felt he needed to. I was a big boy. I’d been the one to open Pandora’s Box. I could take the heat.

And would continue to do so if necessary.

Because I loved her.

“Then what are you suggesting?”

“That we have a frank conversation with your father before heading to Texas to discover the truth.”

He nodded a few times then took the nearly empty drink from my hand, powering it back. “You’re right as always. Let’s do this. It’s time we take full control.”

Full control.

Somehow, the words held an entirely different meaning.



In a world where cloaks and daggers should have been a thing of the past, armor only needed on rare occasions, subterfuge had caused far too much deception. I wasn’t immune to the fact I had a part in it, Arman saying nothing about my relationship with Zoe on the way to his father’s house.

She’d been anxious when I’d left, uncertain what I had planned or if I’d tell her father we were involved. In truth, I hadn’t known at that point when I’d slipped into the room I’d given her in my house, kissing her goodbye. I’d wanted nothing more than to hold her all night long, but with soldiers keeping watch, the last thing I’d needed was anyone spouting off damning news before I could come clean with my friend.

While I wasn’t certain it had been a good idea, I did feel as if a weight had been lifted. For good or for bad, I wasn’t certain.
